Of the three pillars of modern Western world's conservatism, proclaiming that the West has overall done more good than harm and ready to protect its interests unashamedly is the hardest one for the West to swallow.
According to the leftist establishment, you can actually be a free-market support while at the same time wallowing in post-colonial/Civil Rights guilt and be respectable among the chardonnay socialists in control of the MSMs. We call them libertarians. (Well, not all libertarians are like this, but there are some that do)
According to the leftist establishment, you can actually declare you support traditional morality, family values, and Christian ethics and at the same time wallowing in the same post-colonial/Civil Rights guilt. We call them evangelical Left and again they are perfectly respectable according to these same chardonnay socialists in charge of the MSMs. And there will even be mroe respects if you happen to be an ethnic minority.
But not for those prepared to defend the West. This is a big no-no for these establishment.
"According to the leftist establishment, you can actually be a free-market support while at the same time wallowing in post-colonial/Civil Rights guilt and be respectable among the chardonnay socialists in control of the MSMs. We call them libertarians. (Well, not all libertarians are like this, but there are some that do)."
WTF are you TALKING about? I've never met a libertarian on this board who 'wallows in post-colonial/Civil Rights guilt,' and libertarians aren't remotely respectable to the MSM. Hell, libertarians only EXIST when the MSM wants to promote liberal civil rights and liberal drug legalization programs. The only 'libertarians' that the MSM even recognizes are those like Bill Maher, who don't even want to admit the word "liberty" exists, unless a government program is regulating it or promoting it.
Great post, I agree with your sentiments.