Page 339 of the Senate Intelligence Committee Report states that there are provacative links between Iraq and the first WTC attack in 1993 and the 9/11 attacks.
Clinton never visited the WTC after the attack and was content to let Americans think it was an AQ operation because he knew he'd have hard time finding them and going after them.
If people knew that Iraq was behind the attack, which it was based on books I've read, Clinton would have had to go to war.
And it just might support the fact that a president with some guts did just that. It would not prevent them from saying there are no ties between Iraq and al-Qaida, but it would make the lie more obvious.
That was a bad link in my #287.
Another note on that blog says that CNN ran a scroll that said one of the documents that was missing concerns the WTC 1993 bombing.
Page 339 of the Senate Intelligence Committee Report states that there are provacative links between Iraq and the first WTC attack in 1993 and the 9/11 attacks.