In thinking about it for a moment, it is interesting to note that quite a number of the currently-recognized terrorist leaders were educated right here in the US. Perhaps the current Islamofascist craze is a sort of hybridized ideology between more extreme elements of the radical Marxism that is often preached in the Universities combined with bizarre interpretations of the Koran. Recall that such leftist-terrorist groups have and in some cases may still exist here outside of Islam. Plowshares, the allegedly Christian-motivated anti-nuke group, comes to mind. The left-wing professariat has no qualms about using religion or even encouraging the use of it to further greater political objectives, and we will no doubt see a resurfacing of this in the coming election cycle.
Incidentally, I had hardly stopped to notice how much of the Soviet tripe about America has entered the terrorist lexicon....
- denoting us as "imperialistic"
- accusing us of exploiting the third world
- various accusations associated with cultural "hedonism"
- noting of alleged "unparalleled greed"
The essay clearly alludes to what you are saying.
No doubt in my mind that many of these Islamic scum have internalized the vicious propaganda and anti Americanism offered up as "scholarship" in Western cacademia.
Are they - muslim fanatics, haters of anything American or Christian or free market ideology - here? No doubt! Of all varieties: foreign born and native born.
The most dangeous aspect of all this is that they cunningly exploit the freedoms that we hold so preciously putting us all in danger.