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To: Old Sarge; JohnathanRGalt; fullwave; ganeshpuri89; backhoe; penguino; All


3,660 posted on 01/22/2005 2:33:48 AM PST by Cindy
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To: Old Sarge; JohnathanRGalt; backhoe; All


3,661 posted on 01/22/2005 2:50:01 AM PST by Cindy
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To: Old Sarge; backhoe; piasa; All

Note: The following text is an exact quote:

January 22, 2005

Film of beheadings shown on Net

Two collaborators with the "American enemy" beheaded on video. Note below: The "Al-Qaeda Group of Jihad." "Allahu akbar." "The implementation of God's ruling." Yet American Muslims, with increasing irritation ("We Muslims living in America are getting sick of this crap"), continue to insist that all this has nothing to do with Islam. If they devoted even half of the energy that they expend on enforcing political correctness in America to making it impossible for people like Zarqawi to act within the Islamic community worldwide, their protestations might be worth taking seriously. But since they don't do this, their complaints are essentially just a smokescreen. (And of course, they no doubt know that people like Zarqawi have the texts of Islam on their side.) From AFP, with thanks to JE:

After making their "confessions" in front of a banner carrying the name of Zarqawi's al-Qaeda Group of Jihad in the Land of Two Rivers, the video showed each man having his head cut off.

The severed heads were held aloft by the men's slaughterers and put on their backs to shouts of Allahu Akbar, or God is greatest....

Zarqawi is Iraq's most-wanted man and his group has repeatedly posted such videos showing what it calls "the implementation of God's ruling" against Iraqi "apostates" or foreign hostages.

Posted at January 22, 2005 08:21 AM

3,678 posted on 01/22/2005 1:28:55 PM PST by Cindy
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To: Cindy; MamaDearest; Godzilla; All
From within a link, within a link...from one of your links:

Doors of Jihad are open

Kavkaz Center’s editors have received an e-mail with the letter signed by the Council (Jamaat) of Armed Forces of Kabardino-Balkaria, Yarmuk. The editors are publishing the text of the letter with some abridgements.

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!

Peace and blessing be to Prophet Muhammad, to his family, to his disciples and to all of those who have followed him until the Day of Judgment! And then:

Puppet regimes in the republics of the North Caucasus are trying to smear and to discredit the Warriors (Mujahideen), who unfurled the Banner of Jihad and who proceeded to fulfilling their direct duty on liberating their Homeland from foreign invasion. However, all of these attempts are futile.

The doors of Jihad in Kabarda, Balkaria, Karachai, Cherkessia and Adygea opened back when Russian aggressors came to our lands in the 19th century and brought death, destruction and disaster with them. Our nations were colonized and then occupied by czarist Russia. Millions of Muslims in the North Caucasus were expelled from their homelands by Russians. They became displaced settlers, Muhajirs. Some nations merely disappeared from the face of the earth. Thus, Ubikhians, one of the Adygean/Abkhazian nations, were totally exterminated by Russians.

After the Russian-Caucasus war was over and after most of the remaining population was deported, Russia declared all nations of the empire as aliens, except Russians. Their situation, when they were deprived of any rights compared to the Russian population, was legally endorsed and all cases among the North Caucasus nations were dealt with by court-martials, including in the time of peace. Non-Russian population had the right to own a block of land in their homelands 10 times smaller than Russian settlers did. Compared to prewar population, only 3 % of Adygeans had remained in their homeland.

Therefore, this is our response to the present-day puppets: the doors of Jihad in our land will close only when the Shariah Law is restored as the Law and the guidance in life, and when the occupied lands will be belonging to our nations once again.

We will not be delving into the history about how during Imam Shamil our nations were helping the Jihad of Muslims of the North Caucasus, even though not entirely, -- they were helping with their word, with their property, with their cavalry; they were also sending their groups of Mujahideen (Fighters) on the Way of Allah. Here we will only consider some facts enough for us to realize that we, just as all Muslim nations of the North Caucasus, are in the state of mandatory defensive Jihad, prescribed to us by Lord God Himself.

By 1807 Shariah laws were adopted all across Kabarda and Balkaria. Shariah Courts (Mahkeme) were set up. Even after the czarist invasion Shariah Courts were operating equally with the judicial bodies of czarist Russia. Gradually they were being replaced by the invaders’ governing bodies, and they were fully abolished by ungodly Bolsheviks only in 1922. These unbelievers used Muslims of the North Caucasus to overthrow the czarist autocracy in Russia and promised the Muslims a sovereign Islamic Mountain Republic. Deluded and lost, Muslims of the North Caucasus even took part in the civil war in the 1920s under the motto of «Long Live Shariah and Soviet Power!»

Then, over the years of the Soviet rule the Muslims underwent the most severe repressions. Scholarly works of nations of the North Caucasus, books on Islamic law and the Holy Korans were being burned by tons. The entire clerical elite was exterminated in Kabarda and Balkaria, and after that the Soviets started dealing with everyone who had even anything to do with Islam.

Special labels were made up for that purpose: 'Shariatists', 'Basmach', 'Abrek', etc., just the way it is today: 'Wahabists', 'extremists', or 'terrorists'.

Faith in One God was virtually blotted out of the nations’ consciousness. But, -- endless praise be to God, -- our elderly have brought the light of Islam to us, by the will of Almighty Allah, and in the genes they preserved the Love towards Jihad on His Straight Way.

The great lies that our Muslim nations voluntarily joined Russia will remain on the conscience of those false historians who made it up. There was not a single case throughout the entire history when a nation practicing Islam and living by the Shariah Law would voluntarily join a non-Muslim state. Nor did it happen in the North Caucasus.

Before our lands were invaded by czarist Russia, our nations, except a small part of Kabarda near the Ossetian border, were practicing the religion of Islam and living by the Shariah Laws based on the religious and legal school of great Islamic scholar and imam Abu Hanif (An-Numan Bin Sabit Al-Imam Al-Azam).

And it means the following:

1. At the moment of invasion our nations were Muslim and were attacked by infidels (Kafirs);

2. Our lands were Muslim and were invaded by Kafirs;

3. Shariah was the ruling law, the Law of Almighty Allah, and it was abolished by the invaders.

According to Imam Abu Hanif, according to the Koran and reliable Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him, the three circumstances mentioned above require the Muslims of this area to conduct mandatory defensive Jihad against the aggressor.

Some scholars, followers of Imam Abu Hanif, said:

«Offensive Jihad against the infidels is Nafile (desirable) but not mandatory;

Defensive Jihad against the aggressors is Fard'ayn (mandatory) for each able-bodied Muslim living on the occupied territories».

Most of the scholars said:

«Jihad in both cases is mandatory:

Offensive Jihad is Fard’ayn Kifayya, i.e. if some part of the Muslims is participating in it, then it becomes not mandatory for the rest of the Muslims, and they have no sin for nonparticipation in Jihad.

Defensive Jihad is Fard’ayn (mandatory) for each able-bodied Muslim living on the occupied territories». The resolution made by the majority of scholars was adopted as the only true one. (Encyclopedia of Islamic Law 'Fatauai Hindiya', volume 4, section 'About Jihad').

Now tell us which Muslim scholar today will ever dare claim that defensive Jihad is not mandatory for each able-bodied Muslim in Kabarda, Balkaria, Cherkessia and Adygea? The answer is that a MUNAFIQ will, i.e. a hypocrite deserving the lowest and the nastiest abode in HELL. These are the words of Almighty Allah that will be testifying against such hypocrites on the Day of Judgment:

«And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression…» [Holy Koran, 2:193]

«But indeed if any do help and defend themselves after a wrong (done) to them, against such there is no cause of blame. The blame is only against those who oppress men and wrong-doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a penalty grievous». [Holy Koran, 42:41-42]

«To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;- and verily, God is most powerful for their aid;-

(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- (for no cause) except that they say, «our Lord is God». Did not God check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monaster ies, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of God is commemorated in abundant measure. God will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily God is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will)». [Holy Koran, 22:39-40]

Now it is becoming clear why we are saying that we must not reestablish, but to restore the Shariah Law in our land. The times of peaceful call are over, we have been calling since 1985. They came to an end after the very fist cleansings, kidnappings, tortures and murders of Muslims in Kabardino-Balkaria.

We can no longer be crying on the shoulder of prosecutors, the Mushriqin. They are the ones who 100% out of all cases have been asking for the most severe punishment for Muslims out of the satanic arsenal of the Russian Criminal Code. We have our own accounts to settle with them.

Our land is being trampled by the wicked, the young generation has been defiled to the very limit. It even went as far as they started being proud that the local pop star became a lover of a famous Russian singer/jumper. What is it if it’s not the most humiliating disgrace?

Today the whole earth is shaking from wickedness and depravity that are being spread upon it. As if this is the last warning to the mankind about coming of inevitable punishment from the Most High. An example of it is the most recent Asian tsunami, which had the order from the above to wipe the largest centers of depravity and child prostitution off the face of the earth, along with many thousands of profligates from all around the world, but to leave the houses of Allah, the mosques, intact – as a sign to the wise.

The time has come for the believers to determine their position. Enough of tossing between the word of Almighty Allah and the godless constitution of the Russian Federation. There is no need to be counting on the West with its democracy, which is conducting a double standard policy. And there is nothing but betrayal to be expected from the fattened womanlike 'sheikhs' of the East.

We rest our hopes on Great Allah only. He is enough for us as our Protector.

We believe that armed resistance and guerilla warfare against the Russian invaders and their puppets is necessary in Kabardino-Balkaria, just like in any other Muslim land of the North Caucasus, in accordance with the Koran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, -- the defensive Jihad involving the use of all means permitted by the Shariah for the sake of restoration of the Law of Allah in our land and for the sake of liberating our land from the Russian invaders. Some may do it by taking up arms, and some may do it with their prayers for the Mujahideen (Warriors).

Almighty Allah said:
O ye who believe! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Penalty?- That ye believe in God and His Apostle, and that ye strive (your utmost) in the Cause of God, with your property and your persons: That will be best for you, if ye but knew! He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the Supreme Achievement. 61:13 And another (favour will He bestow,) which ye do love,- help from God and a speedy victory. So give the Glad Tidings to the Believers. O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of God: As said Jesus the son of Mary to the Disciples, «Who will be my helpers to (the work of) God?» Said the disciples, «We are God's helpers!» then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion disbelieved: But We gave power to those who believed, against their enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed. [Holy Koran, 61:10-14]

Muslims of Kabarda and Balkaria, just like everywhere else across the North Caucasus, must leave their arguments behind and unite before the enemies of Allah and before their enemies in order not get any weaker. This is what Almighty Allah orders about that:

«O ye who believe! When ye meet a force, be firm, and call God in remembrance much (and often); that ye may prosper: And obey God and His Apostle; and fall into no disputes, lest ye lose heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: For God is with those who patiently persevere». [Holy Koran, 8:45-46]

We are not trying to make somebody believe, this is the authority of Almighty Allah. There is no compulsion in religion. He is the Only One to instill faith into people’s hearts. No, but we want to liberate our Homeland, to restore the Shariah Law in our land and to live by the Laws of the Just Creator.

We do not want war at all, but they are imposing this war on us. You must know that Jihad is not just an ordinary war. Jihad is the means of suppression of evil and prevention of aggression and potential crime. Jihad is the means that should be used if some force violates the laws of justice and infringes on the rights, lives or freedom of Muslims. In such case Jihad is no doubt mercy, and nonparticipation in it is a crime.

And to those who today are thoughtlessly defending the rule of the infidels: repent, resign from your duties and do not be standing in our way. You are reveling in your power over unarmed and silent population and getting away with tyranny and violence over your fellow countrymen. We are not the ones that you are at enmity with; you are in enmity with Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). And as long as the Warriors are sincere and faithful to Him, you will not be able to hold out in this fight. God Willing (Insha Allah), soon we will remind you about the crosses clipped out on the heads of the Muslims, about the beards shaven off with shattered glass, about ripped-out fingernails and about many other things. Finally, you will leave this world prematurely with nothing behind you, and the horror of Hell and the wrath of the Creator is awaiting you in the hereafter.

Oh those who sold out the Word of Allah and who got perched in the KGB/FSB branch under the code name of DUMA (government council) of Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, come to your senses and repent. You are concealing the truth of the Koran and spreading lies about Allah and his Messenger (peace be upon him) by falsely interpreting the verses of the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Along with the enemies, you are using the same terms concerning the Mujahideen (Warriors), such as 'Wahabists', 'extremists', 'terrorists', etc. You are publicly demanding that the Warriors get killed and you are calling the Muslims to be living under the yoke of the Russian invaders.

Your true calling is showing behind the word 'Administration'. You are nothing but 'scabby sheep' from our midst, who were picked by the enemies to control Muslims. Your position before Allah is even worse that the position of the ones mentioned above. You should leave that KGB branch immediately and bring the actual state of affairs to the Muslims in Islam. Before it’s too late.

Almighty Allah said:
«O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination». [Holy Koran, 9:73]

We are addressing to the People of the Book, to the Christians and the Jews: As long as you are not acting against us, you are not our enemies. We can peacefully coexist with you and you can be under our protection in accordance with the Shariah Law. As long as you are peaceful towards us, we are peaceful towards you. And do not let yourself be deceived by those who are setting you against Muslims.

We are addressing to the Russians, whose sons and brothers are being used in the new war in the Caucasus as cannon fodder. What are you fighting here for? And the war is only beginning.

If you are fighting for our lands and its riches, there is nothing that you will end up getting from all of it. Everything that is being plundered is being distributed among the puppets and their masters. Only humiliation and oblivion is left for you. You are becoming crippled both morally and physically. Collect yourselves and use your strength for the good in your own home, in Russia. We want to be living in peace with you, as neighbors.

We are addressing to the rulers of Russia, to the present-day rulers and to the future ones: what integrity of Russia are you talking about? You broke the integrity of unjust empire back in 1991, and now you are trying to catch on to the myth and are lying to your fellow people about alleged integrity of the Russian state, while silently giving up your lands and your influence to other countries. You had better deal with vital problems of your country’s future, which is dangerous and unpredictable due to your shortsighted and hostile policies. As far as the concern about the destiny of the North Caucasus: leave it up to us, to the «individuals of the Caucasus ethnic background» (as Russians are calling the local nations). Take your puppets with you and get them jobs somewhere in Africa. We will set up the corridor for them to leave.

But if you are planning to hold on to the Caucasus colonies at any cost, the cost will be the death and the downfall of your state.

Almighty Allah said:

«If they withdraw not from you nor give you (guarantees) of peace besides restraining the ir hands, seize them and slay them wherever ye get them: In their case We have provided you with a clear argument against them». [Holy Koran, 4:91]

Allah Akbar!!! God Is Great!!!

Jamaat Yarmuk
Mujahideen of Kabardino-Balkaria

Department of Correspondence,
Kavkaz Center
2005-01-21 00:47:59

3,686 posted on 01/22/2005 2:56:19 PM PST by Oorang (Decafalon: The grueling event of getting through the day consuming things that are good for you)
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To: Old Sarge; JohnathanRGalt; backhoe; All


3,729 posted on 01/23/2005 2:43:07 AM PST by Cindy
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