Typical sore loser lib. Can't compete in the arena of ideas and suggests taking the easy way out by running away. This clown seems to want it both ways; retain dual citizenship but is in no hurry to leave. I doubt this clown is going anywhere.
I write for the Stanford Daily (sports, if you were interested), and the frontpage article the day after the election had a quote from a German (foreign) graduate student. She said she was 'shocked and disgusted with the results' and was thinking about leaving the country.'
I had a number of responses:
1. The fact that so many said they wanted to leave the country based on the results of a fair election proves GW Bush wrong...some cultures just aren't ready for democracy.
2. Why the shock? All the polls knew Kerry was a major underdog and would need some big breaks to pull it out. Dems may have been disappointed, but no one should have been 'shocked'.
3. Your education is being paid for largely by federal research grants. Since no human rights have been breached, how dare you criticize the government of which you are a guest.