Yet they were charged with criminal conspiracy, possession of instruments of crime, reckless endangerment of another person, ethnic intimidation, riot, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct and obstructing highways.
Those are the charges. And I read a lot about this case, know one of the people who was there that day, one of the 7 released. The followed the word of the law to the letter. The only rioting etc that took place was by the homosexuals. Furthermore it's all on tape. The did nothing, not even shout. They ignored all the homosexual's taunts, spitting, everything.
How can 11 people do all that is listed above in the charges? I hope this case gets a lot of attention, so the entire nation can be outraged. Since when is a Bible, an instrument of a crime? What these homosexuals did that day should have had every one of them arrested, and smoke bombs set off.
11 people can do quite a bit when motivated. Just think, add one more and they could have started an entire religion! : )