To bad Dad only had a 2*4. He should have had a 12 gauge, problem solved.
Semper Fi
He'll get his comeuppance in prison. Convicts just love child molesters. </sarcasm>
I'll bet Dad is in the market for a firearm.
May I give you 50 feet of good sailing rope to hang the bastard with? Don't let him get some liberal do-gooders group behind him.
Kill him, right now.
It is a parents worst nightmare. That's why I have a 45 pound Rhodesian Ridgeback, soon to be an 80 pound Rhodesian Ridgeback that sleeps in my daughters room.
If I were the father, I would be in jail by now...
I wonder how the law addresses using something more powerful than that in those circumstances. I would guess that the law would hold that that would be about all he could do under the law...if even that. He (the father) would be viewed as the aggressor.
In the U.K. he probably would have been crucified for using the 2x4.
nightmare? yes. worst? no. Worst is having a son/daughter murder another son/daughter.
sorry to nit-pick, but it (above statement) is a pet-peeve of mine
The girl needs a doggie....
"Police Dog Bites Nude Man in the Genitals" ap ^ 12-8-04
I too will volunteer to be on that jury.
This is what we get for an 'anything goes' tittilation driven are so sexualized today it is positively vile and a real abomination of our species.
Add to that a 24x7 delievery system satuated with off-the-scale, twisted pornography that the Internet pumps into our households (and slaps in our face like it or not) and we are really playing with sociopathic fire.
Wonder if we will wake up before we strip ourselves of all spiritual essence in the quest to gorge ourselves for all that is 'base'?
Now here is the real problem. Once these animals exhibit this kind of behavior they should be locked away forever.
There is something here that I don't understand though. How does someone come into a private home unnoticed and manage to commit a crime like this and still go unnoticed.
I live in a rural area and never feel threatened. And, even though we don't feel threatened, the doors remain locked throughout the day and it would be impossible for someone to enter without making a lot of noise. Can't be too careful these days.
Scum such as this do not deserve to breathe our air.
I know the first thing I would cut off, just before I cut off his head.
I don't believe that one bit. They need to give this guy a choice -- cut his thing off and shove him in prison for the rest of his natural life with no chance of parole housed with the most dangerous gang in the California prison system. Or, just cut his thing off and let him bleed to death.
May I be on that jury, please?
1 posted on 12/09/2004 7:41:59 AM PST by SmithL