It is a secret symbol used by the "Enlightened Ones" who have taken over the Federal Reserve and are slowly turning all money production to the "U.S. Treasury" which these EO's have taken over during the Klinton Admin. What they intend to do is back our New Colored Money by 50% Gold, thus stabilizing the Almighty U.S. Dollar. With that stability, they will entice everyone around the world to invest in the U.S. Dollar, and give up their own currency which will lead to World Domination by these Alien Enlightened Ones who feel this is the best way to force mankind into willfull slavery, thinking that these Enlightened Ones came to save the World from total anhilation. Of course, this is exactly what they wanted "Earthlings" to believe. They will have conquered mankind without firing a shot. Their ultimate goal is of course slavery in every part of the Universe that they have set up colonies, so the less people killed, the more slaves they have for their alien colonies. They will expose their true physical appearance when the Earth is safely in their hands. They came from the 12th Planet which circles the Sun in a very elongated ellipse, making it's complete revolution of the Sun every 40,000 years, and will come very close to Earth in the near future, and so their task to take over the Earth is of the highest priority. They have exponentially stepped up their takeover of world governments through the individual country's treasury depts. They call themselves the Nephilim, and are similar in appearance to what mankind calls Angels except they do not have halos over their heads, but they do have angelic wings or so it is supposed.
There is no use getting anxious about what is happening. It cannot be thwarted in any way. They are far, far superior in intelligence and technology than mere mortal man. How do I know about this..............because I are one. BWAHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
I knew it all along...;-)
Go to the site.
The charts won't post correctly.
ROFL, did you make all of that up on the fly? :P