I would never vote for John Kerry because of this: John Kerry had a choice to make after his third purple heart, stay with his men or go home.
He chose to go home.
No real leader would have ever left, unless his injuries were such that he could not effectively lead.
He has no honor
It would have been O.K. had he been enlisted, not NCO.
I was in Korea, only for a year, but in that year I met a few enlisted who had just received their third Purple Heart.
NONE of them wanted to go home until their buddies did!
I didn't vote FOR W so much as I voted against John Fn sKerry, a man entirely UNFIT to be CinC. People are forgetting that, already. He was the monster put up against W. It was a fix, in that sense.
I was upset by W's grinning and tin ear in the debates, even though on substance he dominated Kerry, who got the backing of the LM. I thought W's campaign, led by 'boy genius' Karl Rove as Ann Coulter sarcastically refers to him, was an accident waiting for each day to dawn so they could snatch defeat out of victory.
But up to that point, W had shown a tendency to support conservative notion and people of faith. And with the Gonzales fiasco, his failure to criticize McCain for completely stepping over the line in calumniating the Swifties, his leftie convention, his backing of Spectre right into the chairmanship it turns out, his recent floating the amnesty notions for foreign nationals secretly in this country, and those BIZARRE Rovish statements just weeks, days, before the election concerning 'gay unions', it doesn't quite appear to be the same W as the one I thought was running at the beginning of the year.
But we'll see.