Alexander the Great is now dubbed Oliver Stone's Alexander the Gay. (per fox news) Mothers and Fathers are not going to take their children to see a movie depicting San Francisco homosexuality.
The commercials now rapidly show the nobody reviewers in order to create the illusion for positive reviews. (remember when sony was caught MAKING UP reviewers for films with no positive reviews.)
Definitly NOT for family or holiday viewing.
That Oliver Stone can still get hundreds of millions from backers to produce his tripe tells you everything you need to know about Hollywood and movies. Rent the good old movies for a buck, and enjoy them in the comfort of your home. You don't have to support this junk.
They are putting Angeline Jolie in just about every movie these days, hoping her puffy lips will be a drawing card. She has so many weird tatoos all over her body (and keeps getting more) they are soon going to not be able to cover the things up with clothing or else have to spend millions air brushing the off the movie tapes.