Alexander the Great is now dubbed Oliver Stone's Alexander the Gay. (per fox news) Mothers and Fathers are not going to take their children to see a movie depicting San Francisco homosexuality.
The commercials now rapidly show the nobody reviewers in order to create the illusion for positive reviews. (remember when sony was caught MAKING UP reviewers for films with no positive reviews.)
Definitly NOT for family or holiday viewing.
When will they learn that people just won't pay to see crap no matter who is in it.
David Manning, fictional reviewer of The Animal.
They used three quotes from I haven't been there in years, but they used to post "regular guy" reviews--real Usenet-level stuff. That's what it's come down to for Alexander. If they had to scrape any deeper, they'd be quoting AICN talk-backers.
BTW, Alexander's up to 14% at Rotten Tomatoes! Whoo hoo! Their "cream of the crop" reviewers are up to 15%. Dismal.
I would loved to go see a film about Alexander the Great that just didn't discuss his sexuality at all. I think it would be fascinating!
But I will never see this film. Hollywood is stupid. As Boundless said, above: "When entertainment figures trade on their celebrity status
to make political statements, why would they be surprised
when the audience turns its entertainment dollars into
political statements."
Sounds like you summed it up better than FOX. I just got a mental imagine of the movie where Alex plans out his battle in a steamy bath house full of lisping soldiers in tight armor. He slowly to his general, "Leths go get thoth nasty Perthians!" Sounds more and more like a Mel Brooks comedy gone bad.
I think I'll see "The Incredibles".