Unfortunately, the weakening dollar does nothing to make liberals more appealable to foreign nations to which they might emigrate.
Enough already with the "liberals" are moving to Canada or France etc.
This has been posted enought times. They ain't leaving. We should be so lucky if they would actually do something, anything except talk and whine.
Does anyone else see a connection between the current huge popularity of animated movies, those with no actual Hollywierd actors at all, and the extreme Leftwing politics of the most visible members of that community?
Could it be that moviegoers are "voting" with their tickets?
This is a proposal I made 20 years ago. I specifically referred to flagburners, and proposed that Congress define public flagburning to mean that the perpetrator wanted to sell his citizenship to some foreigner who would appreciate it. I would grant the perp a hearing in court, at which time the perp could deny that intent - thereby negating the PR value of the original demonstration - and be allowed to stay. The TV broadcaster who televised the original demonstration would be required to spend as much broadcast time on the court denial as on the original demonstration . . .
I've been advocating something like this for years. I keep telling my family that if I ever hit the lottery, I'm going to spend the money on something like the Export a Liberal fund. They think I am kidding. I am absolutely 100% serious about this. I would even support a tax increase to finance exporting liberals to the Socialist's paradise of their choice.
This is the only non-violent solution I can think of to solve the division in the nation. You can't have bi-partisanship between liberals and conservatives. They have little to nothing in common. They are at cross purposes.
Conservatives want to live under our Constitution. There are many, many Godless-Socialist countries the liberals could go live in. There is only one United States of America. We have no where else to go.