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To: notawimpymom

This is a topic I think about quite a bit. I feel no need whatsoever to produce a child of my own. Never have. I am 30 years old now. A child of my own is not the missing piece of the puzzle that will somehow magically complete or "light up" my life. I feel there are simply too many people in this world. And sometimes I think it is selfish and egotistical of others to look at their kids and say, "Awwwwww look, a tiny version of me." Almost anyone can produce a child. It's nothing special and it's not a miracle. In fact, statistically, the ones that are most likely to reproduce are those without a college degree. And no, I am not saying that if you didn't graduate from a university you are not intelligent. Intelligence and education level aren't necessarily the same thing.

I see what the poster of this topic was trying to say, but it came off as somewhat obnoxious. I disagreed with him when he got into the selfish, materialist/ financial reasons for not having a kid. That just makes this guy sound like the world's most self-absorbed yuppie. And certainly his point about all kids being brats is ridiculous.

But as I looked through the responses to his post I saw something just as disturbing. Some parents stated that their children are the only reason why they carry on in life. But if your children are the only reason why you carry on in life, then maybe you should seek out hobbies that are of interest to you. Something that makes you happy. I have nothing against parenthood, but if that is all you talk about at work and in social your social life, then perhaps it might be good for your own mental health to find another outlet of happiness rather than living through your children. Being a mother or father should never really define who you are as a person. Your own identity as an individual and your identity as a parent should be two very different things.

287 posted on 05/17/2005 4:07:41 PM PDT by dbdbdbdbdbdbdb
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To: dbdbdbdbdbdbdb

I really couldn't agree more with you dbdbdbdbdbdbdb. The writer was a little over the top but overall I agree. I am 30 and I do feel that society expects you to get married and reproduce and the people that choose not to are looked at as weird and selfish which isn't fair. There are too many people in this world that shouldn't have had any kids so people that choose not to have them shouldn't be looked upon poorly. It is a decision, no matter what pressures you feel from society. And I also strongly believe that society also makes people feel that to complain or speak honestly about children is to be heartless and a bad parent. I feel honesty is more important. I think a lot of parents try to convince themselves that everything is great by telling everyone that. Don't get me wrong I know a lot of parents are completely happy. I just don't believe that is the way for all parents. It too bad society isn't more accepting of honesty. I think if parents were more honest there would be less people out there that are surprised that raising kids is more hard work than fun.

290 posted on 07/10/2006 1:49:38 PM PDT by nojudgement
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To: dbdbdbdbdbdbdb

I completely agree with dbdbdbdbdbdb’s post. It’s pretty much bang on. It’s too bad that society has gotten so far away from the truth, but this refreshing comment also gives me hope that there are still some levelheaded people out there :)

291 posted on 07/24/2012 8:04:14 PM PDT by Kat111
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