I think alot of people feel this way and I do think that some people who have children shouldn't have children and that many have children for the absolute wrong reasons.
Exactly! Whatever it is that makes someone say "I want to have n kids," I don't have it (nor does my wife). My wife is from Mexico and we got it pretty bad the first few years we were married. But we were much too old (in our late 30s) and eventually stopped getting bugged.
When you are child-free it is amazing how many laws and attitudes are setup to punish you. There is a big bias but I put up with it.
I have also seen a LOT of people who shouldnot have kids but have them anyway because they are too stupid not to. Those situations are just sad and tragic.
I feel this way but without the hositility. I've never wanted kids, even when I was a kid. I didn't like baby dolls. I preferred Barbie because she was a grown up and could do whatever she wanted (or I made her). I didn't babysit as a teenager because I didn't enjoy children. My husband and I know we wouldn't be happy with kids in our life. Thank goodness there are plenty of people who adore children. I happen not to be one of them.
I appreciate your comments throughout this thread.