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What convinced you to re-elect Bush? What are your hopes for his second term? Send us your comments using the post form.
1 posted on 11/05/2004 7:28:14 AM PST by jmhfnyc
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To: jmhfnyc

They'll never understand, so why expend time/energy and get aggravated with their condescending intelligentsia approach.

2 posted on 11/05/2004 7:29:34 AM PST by Fruitbat
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To: jmhfnyc

Why did I vote for Bush, Mr. BBC? Because I don't want my country ending up like Godless, feckless, pandering, Chamberlain Europe. The spirit of Churchill has crossed the Atlantic, Beeb, and resides on the other side of the pond these days.

3 posted on 11/05/2004 7:30:56 AM PST by kezekiel
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To: jmhfnyc
"I voted for Bush to usher in the complete and utter destruction of the United States. Sometimes, you just have to tear it all down and start over again. No one will destroy America faster than Bush. Go Bush!" --Tim, Los Angeles, CA, USA

"Some people call me....................... Tim..."

8 posted on 11/05/2004 7:38:04 AM PST by LurkedLongEnough
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To: jmhfnyc

All these furrners dint wan us to. Got mah back up.

13 posted on 11/05/2004 7:44:46 AM PST by Tribune7
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To: jmhfnyc


14 posted on 11/05/2004 7:45:17 AM PST by Miss Behave (Thermos Kerry: "You want hot? I'm FOR it. You want cold? I'm FOR it. It's my Secret Plan.")
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To: jmhfnyc

Well........Because he wasn't George W Bush.

17 posted on 11/05/2004 7:47:58 AM PST by R_Kangel ("Liberals are like a broken pencil.......useless with no point.")
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To: jmhfnyc

Because the Brits aggrivate us with their incessant nosiness into things that are really none of their business and we know that W will diplomatically set them straight on it.

18 posted on 11/05/2004 7:50:16 AM PST by rod1 (uired 4 more hours).)
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To: jmhfnyc

I cant stand the socialist mentality that has come over the democrat party which is trying to make the US like socialist europe. Kerry was a traitor after the vietnam debacle. He might have been a war hero during the war, but so was Benedict Arnold. By being a pro viet cong leftest and giving aid and comfort to the enemy which caused the torture of US POW's, he showed his stripes. If it were up to me he would have been arrested for treason.

I prefer to protect myself and my family my own way. I have guns and plan on keeping them until the pry them from my dead cold fingers. That is another reason I voted for Bush.

god bless Maggie Thacher.

god bless America.

21 posted on 11/05/2004 7:57:52 AM PST by Vaquero
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To: jmhfnyc

Who really cares what the socilist Brits think. Go back to your primary occupation of kissing the terrorist butts with your sisters the filthy French.

22 posted on 11/05/2004 7:58:29 AM PST by 50 Cal (A Lawyer is nothing but a Politician in Larval Form!)
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To: jmhfnyc

I cant stand the socialist mentality that has come over the democrat party which is trying to make the US like socialist europe. Kerry was a traitor after the vietnam debacle. He might have been a war hero during the war, but so was Benedict Arnold. By being a pro viet cong leftest and giving aid and comfort to the enemy which caused the torture of US POW's, he showed his stripes. If it were up to me he would have been arrested for treason.

I prefer to protect myself and my family my own way. I have guns and plan on keeping them until the pry them from my dead cold fingers. That is another reason I voted for Bush.

god bless Maggie Thacher.

god bless America.

23 posted on 11/05/2004 7:58:37 AM PST by Vaquero
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To: jmhfnyc

Hey Liberals, you figure it out, you all say you're smarter than the rest of us.

24 posted on 11/05/2004 8:09:42 AM PST by BigSkyFreeper (Congratulations President-Re-Elect George W. Bush!)
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To: jmhfnyc
Here's my contribution:

I voted for President Bush for many reasons. But I voted against Kerry because I am a Vietnam veteran and Kerry is a liar. My hope for a second term is that we, with the help of our real allies, finish the job in Iraq and then move on to Iran and North Korea. And then, who knows...France?

It felt good!

25 posted on 11/05/2004 8:15:03 AM PST by Jaxter ("Guys like John Kerry spit on guys like me. I've been waiting 33 years to spit back.")
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To: jmhfnyc

He is the best of America...period.

26 posted on 11/05/2004 8:20:53 AM PST by Swede Girl
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To: jmhfnyc

I am in a snit today....

I sent them this-

I believe I am a pretty average Georgia female.

OK, let me rephrase that. Tennessee Williams could have used me as a character who doesn't die at the end and goes on to live a happy life.

My values are pretty much the ones I was raised with. Personal responsibility, self reliance, accountability and making your own way in the world. I hate taxes. I think too many stupid laws have been made, mostly by Libs. I am very conservative in some ways, very liberal in others.

I believe in live and let live, do whatever you want to yourself, with your money and with your life. Just don't do it in my front yard, or try to make it a law. Or worse, tell me I am a bad person because I don't want it a made a law so you can do it in MY FRONT YARD!

I live off a dirt road in the woods. I also have two college degrees. The profession that feeds me is a science, the hobby that keeps me sane is an art. My speech is slow, peppered with "Well, bless her heart!s" and "Darlin's".

I don't chew tobacco, but I have an addiction to Godiva chocolates. I can build a web page and drive a tractor. I hate grits, but I love matzo ball soup. I am not married to a relative, I don't own a gun (anymore, long story) but I drink beer on my front porch.

My religion is, well, mine. I don't attend church regularly, but God and I talk daily. I have all my own teeth and there are no cars up on blocks in my yard. OK, There is a toilet on my porch, but it will be moved next week when the contractor finishes the bathroom.

Until 5 years ago, I considered myself a liberal. That was until I started to see how bigoted, narrow minded, hate filled and just rudely stupid Libs were.

Why did I vote for George Bush?!

I got tired of the ignorant, biased and agenda driven media telling me that a brilliant, kind and moral man was a lying idiot.

I got tired of seeing him being treated with overt disrespect and called vile names by people who were themselves so rotten of spirit, that they wouldn't throw a reflexion if they walked by a mirror.

I got tired of being told by the libs that my beliefs, my values, the core of who I am was wrong, and that I needed to change it to be more like them....because all Libs believe they own the truth.

I got tired of out of touch, arrogant snobs portraying my kith and kindred as backwoods hicks in movies, TV and print.

I got tired of being told that I wasn't progressive and enlightened when I found offense in minorities demanding I change my entire society to suit them.

I got tired of Micheal Moore, Dan Rather, the dumber than a stump Hollywood fakes, billionaire monsters coming out to tell me how I should vote.

Most of all, I got tired of knowing that I was in a majority... a majority that was too damn busy taking care of other people to really get out and stand up for ourselves.

Yeah, you heard it....While Libs are telling us how to care for others, we get our hands dirty actually doing it.

Tuesday, we stood up to be counted.

I voted for Bush because he has a 130 IQ, was smart enough to go to Yale and Harvard. But doesn't flaunt it, unlike his Democrat predecessor.

I voted for Bush because he was a real person. With a rowdy past who grew up to be a great adult.

Unlike his predecessor who only grew more rotten with age.

I voted for Bush because he has a moral core, prays and could have walked away from this election at peace.

I voted for him because he openly loves his family, this country and most of all Freedom.

I voted for Bush because he will fight the terrorists. He won't buy into the 'let us tell you what to do' corrupt UN crap. He truly believes that evil walks on two legs and like me, knows that 'moral relativity' is Lib speak for "we are so immoral, we don't want it pointed out'.

I voted for Bush because he was the right choice.

So get a clue Europe.
I am the face of a Bush voter. Quit insulting me, quit being puzzled. The answers of who I am are right before your is your job to start seeing the bloody obvious.

27 posted on 11/05/2004 8:24:03 AM PST by najida (Liberals are children that weren't raised right by their mamas.)
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To: jmhfnyc
Oooh, I'll play! Here's what I put. I'm sure they won't "get it" but what the hell! I'm PROUD of my President! : )

I proudly voted for George W. Bush because he was (is), in my opinion, the only man capable of doing the job that needs to be done. I appreciate his honesty, integrity and straightforwardness. I like the fact that he is uncomplicated and that he does what he says he will do. He has no hidden agenda and doesn't pander to every side (as his opponent did).

After 9/11 the world changed. Having been in NYC that day and living through that horror, it became apparent to me that it is absolutely imperative that this nation seek out and destroy the (Islamofascist) terrorists who seek to destroy us and all other free nations.

I support the war on terror and firmly believe that spreading freedom throughout the world is the moral obligation of the USA.

As our sacred Declaration of Independance states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for their future security..."

These very words give us the absolute responsibility and duty to spread the very freedom that is God-given throughout the world. I agree with the President that people yearn to be free and given the choice will choose freedom over depotism and tyrrany. It is perhaps considered an idealistic belief, but it is an honest belief and one that is full of hope and promise for a better world. No one wants war but at times war is the only choice...especially when the outcome is freedom and peace.

The terrorists seek to spread their hatred and to oppress all those who do not follow their beliefs. This is made abundantly clear in Osama bin Laden's "letter to America" from November 2002. He states very clearly that his desire and demand was for the world to follow the Wahabbist form of Islam, and stated very clearly that he expected this as a result of his attacks. To him no other outcome is acceptable. As a proud citizen of the USA and as a Russian Orthodox Christian, this is totally unacceptable to me. It is not freedom he (or they) seek, it is totalitarianism and oppression. This is the most important and dangerous threat in the world today, and George W. Bush recognizes this and has the courage to stand up to it and to fight for freedom and I support him for this.

I also like the fact that he has lowered taxes and has a realistic approach to our domestic issues. Most of all, I respect him and I TRUST him.

28 posted on 11/05/2004 8:47:17 AM PST by blinachka
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To: jmhfnyc

Supreme Court

29 posted on 11/05/2004 8:48:50 AM PST by Chesterbelloc
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To: jmhfnyc

No more AWB, Taxes, and I hate liberals :o)

31 posted on 11/05/2004 8:50:55 AM PST by ezo4
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To: jmhfnyc

I had many reasons for re-electing George Bush. And they've been nothing but reinforced by watching the childish antics and tantrums being thrown by Kerry's supporters because they didn't like the election results.

32 posted on 11/05/2004 8:56:24 AM PST by CFC__VRWC (It's not evidence of wrongdoing just because Democrats don't like the outcome.)
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To: jmhfnyc

If you look at the responses you can see that they went ahead and printed letters from obvious liberals.

34 posted on 11/05/2004 9:02:08 AM PST by cripplecreek (John Kerry was beaten like a rented mule)
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To: jmhfnyc

I voted for George W. Bush because it is clearly evident that he is a better person than Kerry. Because, I like the way he prosecutes the war against terrorsists better than the way Kerry would prosecute it. Because I like lower taxes. Because his AG, Ashcroft, recognized the right to keep and bear arms as an individual right. Because I support American sovereignty and despise the UN.
And that's just for starters.

35 posted on 11/05/2004 9:08:32 AM PST by Little Ray (America is Great because America is Good.)
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