There are a few reasons:
1) Urban centers have high concentrations of folks who honestly cannot take care of themselves... the social programs of the 60s have created a dependency class of citizens... and these folks, robbed of their potential by government handouts congregate in urban centers. A group of people who are so messed up that they cannot even take care of themselves will vote for the candidate that promises more STUFF for them nearly every time.
2) Urban areas are also areas that tend to have universities and colleges.. where larger percentages of young folk are indoctrinated into the libral mindset, and folks who largely have spent their lives in this artificial world of academenia continue to hold strong to the socialist and communist principals of their youth.
3) Urban liberals also tend to congregate folks who work in "social services" these holier than thow types who decide their lifes mission is to safe the poor through government action etc etc etc... its BIG business in urban areas.
4) Urban areas also attract those that desire to be in government, or mooch off of or influence government programs. Larger Cities = More Government Money = More Programs and more available to suckle off of.
Most of these groups do NOT exist outside the urban cores... so they have sort of an artificial over representation in these areas, because they flock together here. This allows them to create their own realities, or believe that their limited exposure to the world is a representative sample of the world.
Those who receive stolen money and those who it is stolen from.
For the same reasons that Europeans are duped by the socialists. Those in densely populated areas develop a culture of scarcity. Most Americans (outside of the big cities) have grown up in a culture of abundance. We appreciate the gifts that this country has bestowed upon us and are willing to say so.
Thank God for this blessed plot of land we call home.