To: shield
What? Al Qaeda is giving their videos directly to ABC now??? Why wouldn't Al-Jazeera have received this already?
To: Junior_G
Can you believe this garbage.
527 posted on
10/27/2004 9:56:15 AM PDT by
(The Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God!!!! by Dr. H. Ross, Astrophysicist)
To: Junior_G
Remember last year when all the execs from all the networks got together and discussed how they would handle another attack? This is what they're doing ... it's their own coordinated attack on Bush.
533 posted on
10/27/2004 9:56:26 AM PDT by
(Headline of the year: "The Painful Truth: All the World Terrorists Are Muslims!") is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson