Something is going to (hopefully) hit the fan re: Soros tomorrow on the steps if the US Congress. Let's hope it's something BIG.
When I see how out of control the British Media is and we are on the way something needs to be done.
I agree with you about the media. 100%.
By this time I'd thought talk radio, FNC and FR would be so powerful that Old Media wouldn't try tricks like the NYT debacle Monday.
I was wrong.
It's better than it was. Much better. But not quite where I thought it would be in 2004.
The good news that should NOT escape your attention is that with radio and the internet, the main stream press that do more than reporting the news are being rendered "NON-ESSENTIAL to the American public.
They are losing readership, advertising and their future is getting bleak.
If you think they are getting caught with their lies pretty well THIS year, wait till you catch how much weaker they will be in 2008 when Hillary runs and loses all but 4-5 states.
That's right sunshine. If ever there was a time to make a statement... and I'm not talking about editorials or passive, protest marches... that time is now!