Interesting questions -
I wish we could get away from asking age, race, sex, etc - and let the people's vote be counted just as an American -
Who really needs to know the answers to the other questions - some may be for the good - but I think the citizens are being kept divided by how they take count on "groups" - then pit these groups against each other for different reasons when the need comes.
For instance - African Americans are no longer the "biggest" minority group. His. have taken over and are "growing" in numbers (I heard around 30 million+ already) Gosh, I wonder where all the illegals are being included -
In heavy RAT areas they have to ask a few other questions...
1) Are you living or dead?
2) How many times have you voted today?
3) Did you also participate in early voting?
4) Were you disenfranchised before or after you cast your vote?