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To: orionblamblam
"If you have a better solution for what to do with the very large number of frozen, unwanted IVF embryos... let's hear it."

I would really like to share with you, in a serious, reasoned, intelligent discussion, my own thoughts about what to do with the very large number of frozen, unwatned IVF embryos.

Regrettably, however, I make it a practice to engage in such discussions only with people who demonstrate a desire to be a part of serious, reasoned, and intelligent discussions.

Frankly, your suggestion that anti-abortion protestors have their own right to reproductive "choice" removed from them, and that they be implanted, I guess against their own wills, with all those unwanted embryos to be tasteless and not funny. Not at all funny.

Tell me, did you decide to become an anti-choice zealot, at least with people who don't share your opinion on abortion, overnight -- or have you been in deep thought about your idea for some time? You might want to contact NARAL -- they might think it both funny and a good way to shut down protest of abortions.

"It's possible that *males* could carry embryos to term, with the proper medical intervention; thus, the guys holding the signs can finally start doing something more worthwhile than marching up and down, shouting like maniacs and making Conservative look like rubes."

Ah, yes. All those "males". I could almost hear the contempt with which your fingers typed that word. The only thing you forgot was to call them all "Rich, White, Republican males who enjoy pulling wings off of butterflies.

193 posted on 10/25/2004 12:38:20 PM PDT by chs68
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To: chs68

> they be implanted, I guess against their own wills

Who said against their wills? If it's the choice between either being implanted or the embryo going in the trash can, then it's put-up-or-shut-up time.

>All those "males".

You have a problem with the word "male?" Ye gods, man. Grow a pair.

> I could almost hear the contempt

It's not my responsibility what you hear.

Since you failed to produce a solution of your own, it's reasonable to assume you don't have one. It is again put-up-or-shut-up time. That "I have a plan" crap doesn't work coming from Kerry... no reason why it should work coming from you, either.

194 posted on 10/25/2004 1:10:54 PM PDT by orionblamblam
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