Since Jan 25, 2001

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Grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. Graduated from Central HIgh School in 1968 (chs68).

Came East to College and Graduate School.



I don't have all the answers, but I'm willing to discuss issues.

Currently live in Arlington, Virginia

Presbyterian Elder.

Lord, make me a servant of your peace
Where there is strife, may I make one.
Where there is doubt, may I sow faith;
Where all is gloom, may I sow hope.
Where all is night, may I sow light;
Where all is tears, may I sow joy.
May I not look for love's return,
but seek to love unselfishly.
For in my giving I receive,
and in forgiving am forgiven.
Dying, I live, and am reborn through death's dark night to endless day.
Lord, make me a servant of your peace to wake at last in heaven's light.
---- Francis of Assisi