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To: orionblamblam
"We are not, so far as I know, talking about creating embryos in order to kill them and harvest their cells."

We aren't?

I thought what we were talking about was using embryos that were created as part on an in vitro fertilization process.

You know, the process where a couple want one or perhaps two of their own biological children. So they create seven or eight "just in case".

Suppose, though, that the couple only needs two embryos. What to do with those other "excess" ones??

I know!

Let's kill them and harvest their cells!

Old, useless embryos. Not "really" human. Gonna die anyway.

Besides, the couple is probably paying the IVF facility a fee to keep the useless gonna-die-anyway embryos alive.

And no doubt, the IVF needs bedspace more room to store the additional "just-in-case embryos.

That's the solution -- kill the useless and the unwanted who are gonna die anyway. Who needs them?

As far as I know,people who are organ donors (and I am one) do not have to be worried about someone deciding that they are useless, Organ donors are not killed or euthanized.

Embryos are.

188 posted on 10/25/2004 10:54:43 AM PDT by chs68
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To: chs68

> I thought what we were talking about was using embryos that were created as part on an in vitro fertilization process.

I thought we were talking about aborted embryos. Eh.

> Suppose, though, that the couple only needs two embryos. What to do with those other "excess" ones??

Implant them within the anti-abortion protestors outside.

It's possible that *males* could carry embryos to term, with the proper medical intervention; thus, the guys holding the signs can finally start doing something more worthwhile than marching up and down, shouting like maniacs and making Conservative look like rubes.

If you have a better solution for what to do with the very large number of frozen, unwanted IVF embryos... let's hear it.

192 posted on 10/25/2004 11:24:10 AM PDT by orionblamblam
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