After seeing my Dad suffer horribly with PD, growing worse and worse over the last 15 years, to the point now that I almost don't recognize him anymore, I support stem cell research too. Call me a cannibal, I don't give a rat's ass. My Dad has tried every remedy out there, even surgery, to little avail. I don't think he's going to last much longer--this disease will kill him, and is practically killing my Mom, too, with the stress it causes her.
The embryos used in research are not suffering in the slightest, but that doesn't seem to make any difference to the anti-stem cell research extremists.
Sorry about your Dad, but...
Oh, yes, I am going to add the Kerryesque but...
How much he or you or anybody else suffered is simply not relevant to the question.
To come to a rational decision on the question of Embryonic Stem Cell research, you only need to answer the question of whether or not the embryos are to be valued as human life.
If the answer is no, if human embryos are too primitive or too unlike born human beings to merit protection, then the rational position is that they should be used for everything or anything. For lifesaving therapy, cutting edge research or as a salad garnish, it matters not. Motive doen't matter because it is being set against something that has no value.
If, on the other hand, the answer is yes, that human embryos are human life and merit protection, then to say they should be utilized for very important research or to alleve great suffering is no more valid than proposing to use toddlers for the same purpose. It is a utilitarian argument about human life that says some lives are worth more than others, or that it is worth it to sacrifice some human life for great gain. This type of argument should, even must, be an anathma to any civilized human being.
I understand where you're coming from. Adult stem cell research I don't have a problem with. It's the embryonic I've got a problem with. BTW, my father is suffering from lung cancer. He was diagnosed with it on July 26, a day after I took both parents on vacation. There really isn't any cure for lung cancer yet. My oldest sibling died from lung cancer in 1999 and it's not easy watching my dad suffer from it either.
Charles Krauthammer wrote "George W. bush is the first president to approve federal funding for stem-cell research. There are 22 lines of stem cells now available, up from one just two years ago. As Dr. Leon Kass, head of the President's Council on Bioethics, has written, there are 3,500 shipments of stem cells waiting for anybody who wants them.
"Mr. Edwards and Mr. Kerry constantly talk of a Bush "ban" on stem-cell research. This is false. You want to study stem cells? You get them from the companies that have the cells and apply to the National Institutes of Health for the federal funding."
Usage of embryonic stem cells is not the answer. Although this research gets all the publicity, the work done using adult stem cells (ie. "mature" stem cells) has been much more successful, both in tests and in actually helping people in need.
See for information and examples of people who have been helped.
It may be too late to help your dad (I'm truly sorry), but adult stem cell research does hold promise for many people and illnesses.
Prayers for both your Dad and Mom, HBS.
Supporting stem cell research is one thing...advocating "harvesting", "growing" human's for donors is another.
I support stem cell research myself...but not at the expense of innocent human life.
For one --- don't fall for the embryonic stem-cells are the cure-all for every affliction known to man kind --- there is no reason to believe they can cure all neurological disease, all cancer, every other kind of disease ---- that's the big liberal lie. The question I have for you --- would it then be right to abort preborn babies or euthanise infants or young children to harvest their organs because others need replacements?
HassanBenSobar, There are different kinds of stem cells. Embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and stem cells that are taken from the umbilical cord of a newborn baby. The experiments done from the embryonic cells are usually fiascoes with sometimes heinous results. The experiments done with adult and umbilical stem cells have been producing very promising and exciting results. Research on embryonic stem cells is not only immoral but dangerous and a huge waste of time, money and resources that could be used on the other highly promising stem cell research. Life begets life and death begets death. We each must choose life over death because the consequences have eternal scope. Your father needs eternal life since his life on this earth may not be long. If he does not know the LORD please help him find him before it is too late. Let him know that Jesus paid for everyone of his sins and all he can do is except what Christ has done for him when he died on the cross in his stead. Let him know that merely by trusting Jesus with his whole heart he will receive eternal life and spend eternity in a place whose glory cannot be compared to his brief life on this earth. Help him to give his heart over to the LORD of life and he will soon be much happier then you and I can begin to imagine. Praise the LORD. May your dad find the peace that passeth all understanding. Even if he seems beyond the point where he can understand this the LORD will open up his understanding if you plead for him in your prayers and help him to find his way to true light and life. Maybe you know he is already saved and it is you who must confess your sins and ask the LORD to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness so that someday you will join him in heaven for all eternity. I will definitely pray for you and your dad.
The question of stem cell research is complicated, no pun intended. Some say there have been cases of cancer where stem cells were used. Obviously not good. It's like Solomon suggesting he cut the baby in half to satisfy both women who claimed to be the mother. Everyone suffers. We need to do some long, hard praying about this. There should be some other way.
At what age in their lifetimes would new human beings no longer be fair tissue sources for cannibalizing to treat older humans?
You understand that there are several types of "stem cell" research going on: fetal, adult, umbilical cord, and so on. President Bush is the first president ever to allocate federal money and resources for doing fetal stem cell research. Also, note that all researchers have been able to do with fetal stem cells is make tumors. Adult stem cell research has resulted in many treatments.
This "fetal stem cell" discussion is only made a big deal in order to further legitimize abortion.