Posted on 10/20/2004 10:42:20 AM PDT by MisterRepublican
Michael J. Fox is a famous TV and movie star. He is witty. He is charming. A few years ago, we learned he has Parkinson's disease.
PD is a slowly progressive neurological disorder, characterized by tremors, shuffling gait, a masklike facial expression, "pill rolling" of the fingers, drooling, intolerance to heat, oily skin, emotional instability and defective judgment (although intelligence is rarely impaired).
PD is currently incurable, although there are several methods to slow its advancement, including drug therapy and surgery.
PD is tragic, particularly in Fox's case, because it rarely afflicts persons under 60 years old.
Yet everyone faces tragedy at one time or another, in one form or another. A person's moral fiber is revealed in tragedy.
So we learned through Fox's affliction that he has either extremely poor judgment or a diabolical character flaw. He supports human embryonic stem-cell experimentation, thus contending that some humans are subhuman and expendable for others' personal gain.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
What about Soylent Democrats?
He may be witty and charming (I do not think so) but those qualities do not add up to IQ points.
Embryonic stem cells have not been proven to be the answer to life's fact, many scientists are looking at cells derived from adult cells not to mention the stem cells that can be gathered from the placenta after the delivery of the child. The gruesome and inhuman desire to do research by exploiting fully ready to grow human beings is sadistic.
This stem cell issue is really about abortion. Period.
As I watched Michael J. Fox on a television commercial endorsing Arlen Specter because Arlen supports embryonic stem cell research, I was thinking much the same thing as the author.
Furthermore, I would like to add a sarcastic, thank you Rick Santorum!!!!!!
The above argument has always been my number one argument for decryig the foulness of disposing of life in it very beginning stages, and for establishing when human life begins. Well said. I couldn't agree with you more fervently!
The answer isn't pretty.
Can't have legislation based on when the soul enters, but how about when life begins? Which is inarguably at conception.
Soul enters with sperm, BTW. Twins? Two fer one. Unless fraternal.
Using donated organs from people who actually died, and were already dead when said organs were removed for reusing and recycling, is one thing. But to remove organs when the "donor" is still alive is murder, cannibalism, and barbaric.
Do you have any ideas about their motivation, when the adult and placenta cells look more promising? Is it so that aborted babies can be "harvested" (using the word in that way sickens me) for tiny organs?
I wonder what kind of treatments Michael has had lately. He looked awfully good in those commercials.
I addressed my comment to you before I had read the entire thread. It's pretty clear that the culture of death is using this emotion-driven argument (sick people! paralyzed people! Have you no compassion???) to make us "need" aborted babies for our "health".
This is so revolting and evil and I can hardly stand writing about it. It is nauseating, cruel, and barbaric. The concept of slippery slope applies here.
Well, if (A) is okay, why not (B)? It's even more medically useful. Etc etc etc.
Reminds me of Nazis. Why waste all that good hair and fat? Just think of the matttresses and soap that could be produced and living people could use.
"Fox and the late Reeve are/were still pushing government funded research into embryonic cells. One has to wonder why."
Why? The means justify the ends? Which in this case are debatable and doubtful.
HassanBenSobar, There are different kinds of stem cells. Embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and stem cells that are taken from the umbilical cord of a newborn baby. The experiments done from the embryonic cells are usually fiascoes with sometimes heinous results. The experiments done with adult and umbilical stem cells have been producing very promising and exciting results. Research on embryonic stem cells is not only immoral but dangerous and a huge waste of time, money and resources that could be used on the other highly promising stem cell research. Life begets life and death begets death. We each must choose life over death because the consequences have eternal scope. Your father needs eternal life since his life on this earth may not be long. If he does not know the LORD please help him find him before it is too late. Let him know that Jesus paid for everyone of his sins and all he can do is except what Christ has done for him when he died on the cross in his stead. Let him know that merely by trusting Jesus with his whole heart he will receive eternal life and spend eternity in a place whose glory cannot be compared to his brief life on this earth. Help him to give his heart over to the LORD of life and he will soon be much happier then you and I can begin to imagine. Praise the LORD. May your dad find the peace that passeth all understanding. Even if he seems beyond the point where he can understand this the LORD will open up his understanding if you plead for him in your prayers and help him to find his way to true light and life. Maybe you know he is already saved and it is you who must confess your sins and ask the LORD to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness so that someday you will join him in heaven for all eternity. I will definitely pray for you and your dad.
> how about when life begins? Which is inarguably at conception.
It is in fact quite argueable, as life was clearly there *before* conception.
>Soul enters with sperm, BTW.
> But to remove organs when the "donor" is still alive is murder, cannibalism, and barbaric.
Indeed so, but quite irrelevant to this discussion. Even if you are referring to stem cells taken directly from a 64-cell gamete, those are NOT organs.
Precisely. Those who can't see it are blind.
ProLife Ping!
If anyone wants on or off my ProLife Ping List, please notify me here or by freepmail.
A sane voice at last. I will freep til my last breath.
This has been my question. If Socialized medicine is so good, and countries who have it are so much better than the USA...why isn't Fox cured? Why hasn't Canada cured him. I don't believe Bush's prohibition extended to the "fine" medical community in Canada!
Fox is still sick, of course, because it is all LIES! He is proof of it. Socialized medicine, is no good, and neither is Embyonic stem cell research!
I watched about 30 seconds of Family Ties the other evening, and they were bashing Reagan. I think that's the longest segment of that crappy show I ever watched. Oh, wait, they had one where a young Tom Hanks was a drunk or a druggie or something and he punched the midget. I watched about 3 minutes of that one.
If you are for this, then you pay for it.
It is reprehensible that money is constantly taken out of our paychecks to pay for immoral behaivor. We are forced to participate in sinful acts. The government does not allow us our freedom of conscience. We are forced, by the government, to approve of immoral acts, and to actually finance them! We are forced, by the government, against our will to finance acts which are against our sincerely held religious beliefs. That is wrong! And I for one, thank our President for standing up for our right not to be forced to pay for this sin.
If you and Mr. Fox want to do this, it is bad enough that our laws allow it, and people are sick enough to offer up their children for research...well, you pay for it. Let it be on your heads. Leave me out of it!
What we are against, is the forcable rape of our values and morals by other people who do not share them. You may argue all day and all night for this type of research. I say, go ahead and do it. Just don't take the money out of my wallet to do it! There are no laws which forbid it. Take your argument to other people like Oprah and Ted Turner. They have much more money than I do. Why not yell at them, because they are not financing this "research". They don't have a problem with it. I do. Leave me and my money alone.
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