Hey! Not all Canadians are LLL. I certainly agree with you that our leader's are LLL. They are not only LLL, they are also very stupid. Our press is as bad as yours (can not be trusted). Our leaders mooch free defense from the US on the assumption that the US would never let Canada be invaded, and so they use the money for free health care(Which by the way is a joke, since all the good doctors are in the US where they don't have to be public employees),they loose $250,000,000 and of course the finance minister is now the Prime minister(but he still can't explain what happened to the money-No doubt a vast right wing conspiracy made it disappear- The liberal government that we have is more useless then even the UN(If that is possible) To all you conservative Americans, there are many conservative Canadians who have a lot of respect for you and pray that you country can Rid itself of Treasonous liberals and Sewage like Mitchael Moor.
I don't think that all Canadians are liberal looney liars:) I thank God that there are some of you right-thinking normal Canadians left there,and I feel really sorry for you having to put up with the mess there.
I do admit,I hold my breath for the day when y'all aren't even allowed to utter your Christian beliefs(those who have them) or preach from the Bible for fear of "hate speech" prosecution. But the Muslims will still be teaching "kill the infidel" from the Koran with impunity.