What's the current makeup of the Senate? Pro-coalition also?
Also, is there some sort of instant runoff system in Australia? I see a primary and then a preferences poll in the same result fields for each seat.
Yes, we have preferential instant/runoff voting.
The Senate is split - it's likely to still be split. We can deal with that.
We'll start looking at the Senate later - it's important, but not as important as the House.
Sorry, I have no idea about the runoff system as I only spent my life in a colonial Hong Kong (which meant no election to decide government) and New Zealand (a pure unitary state with a unicameral Parliament - First Past the Post system first - same as US House of Reps' election, and now Mixed Members Proportional Representation - which is the German Bundestag election method). What does it mean in US election context?
About the Australian Senate, it is elected by using STV if my memory is correct - which is a sort-of proportional representation. If my memory is correct, it has long been a tie-up between the Coalition and Labor, and the minor parties call shots in balance of power. The bad news is both minor parties are Democrats and Greens i.e. loony left. That was the situation before the election.