Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
They showed a clip of a college dorm room with a Bush/Cheney sign in the window. There was a young man with a bullhorn yelling out "4 more years"! Then we he saw that the cameras were on him he said with a smile, "Bush voters are being repressed at Washington Univeristy!" LOL!
KERRY: The president got $84 from a timber company that owns, and he's counted as a small business. Dick Cheney's counted as a small business. That's how they do things. That's just not right.
BUSH: I own a timber company?
That's news to me.
Need some wood?
You can't count on line polls.
A public service health warning for those of you playing "the drinking game" to the "I have a PLAN" line..
Acetametophin (Tylenol) and Alcohol do NOT mix. Big no-no. Read the label..
Don't want to lose any of our good Freepers here!
You may now resume your regularly scheduled celebrating of the W WHOMPIN of skerry tonight. Peace.
Alan is on attack. means he knows Dubya scored. hehe.
Hell yeah, I've met you Dad but haven't had the pleasure of meeting the next generation yet. See you in DC.
Will someone please explain what Kerry was referring to with Bush's lumber company??????
No slack sorry. ABC is the enemy along with CBS, NBC & CNN.
cauterization and leaches... what more could yuh ask for?...
I agree.
Yeah. I think so too. They usually don't really shake out their complete thoughts until the next day.
What a riot. He didn't mention HALLIBURTON but now dreams up a fake timber company for the President to own. And they say that Bush lives in a fantasy world. Obviously, Kerry is the delusional one.
Hell, I just brought the whole damn bottle in the living room - saves time! :)
They must've all put crack in their koolaide. I just scanned the news sites & all of the polls are saying Kerry won. Can't POSSIBLY be unimpaired & vote like that after watching this debate!
My son just called from a rally with Cheney where they watched the debate.
He's 16, and he's with a married couple who are in their early 20's.
They're biased, of course, but they thought that Bush hit one out of the park.
Too cool!
Yes MSNBC is presenting a more fair and balanced view of the debate than FOX. I was disgusted with FOX tonight.
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