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October 8th Bush/Kerry Post-Debate LIVE Thread
Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
October 8th Bush/Kerry Debate
TOPICS: Breaking News
KEYWORDS: acommunistkerryis; blahblahblah; bushkickbutt; bushwins; bushwon; commiekerry; comsymponparade; crispycritterkerry; debates; dontlabelmewaaah; eatmeinstlouis; grandslambush; hegeliandialectic; hillaryinthewings; hithimfasthithimhard; ihaveaplan; imalumberjackandimok; intothecamera; iownatimbercompany; johnalqerry; jonquerri; kerryliar; kerrylied; kerrylost; kerrylostkerrylost; kerrynoplan; kerrytinman; lurch; lurchlostit; moshpit; napalminthemorning; needsomewood; nonsqueiterkingkerry; plandrinkinggame; planplanplanplanplan; planshotsofscotch; seconddebate; takeanotherdrink; thebrain; thewoodshedforkerry; votebush2004; votegwb2004; w04; wanttobuywood
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To: CurlyBill
No kidding. W was just surrounded and talking to people and interacting with them, charming them. Kerry was surrounded, sort of, but he was talking AT people, not really interacting with them at all, not expressive, etc.
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:10 PM PDT
(Terrorists will "global test" us right off the planet)
To: FL_engineer; ppaul
Agree -- Since Kerry's answers were all over the place, sure does add credence to having the cheat sheet last week.
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:15 PM PDT
(French Fried Flip Flopper still Flouncing, be careful out there.)
To: IndyTiger
What was her problem?? (My opinion is that she headed to the debate after hitting Happy Hour(s)!)
Glad to be here, MOgirl
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:15 PM PDT
(In memory of Walton Wayne Callahan, I love you forever.)
To: Don Simmons
No, you're not the only one. Both my wife and I independently noticed that.
To: alwaysconservative
Ode to the President
A portrait of George W. Bush,
Painted with strokes of my pen.
Standing before the world with character
Of distinguished quality.
Proven to be one of the greatest among men.
His countenance communicates a man at peace
With his God and himself.
The kind and commanding voice,
Declares freedom everyones greatest wealth.
His compassionate heart gives hope to the suffering
Of others, living in America, Afghanistan, and Iraq,
All are sisters and brothers.
Standing at ground zero, bullhorn in hand,
Saluting Americas finest abroad the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln,
All can see he is in command.
His love for God, family, and country,
Serves as a model of our founding fathers.
His leadership brings integrity and honor to our nation.
In depicting the excellence of the man,
Strokes of my pen bring forth only a reproduction.
He is one of Gods own masterpieces.
- Deanna Spencer Peal
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:18 PM PDT
To: ken5050
Introducing U.S. Senators Gone Edwards and Plan sKerry...
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:20 PM PDT
(You will NEVER convince me that Muhammadanism isn't a veil for MASS MURDERS. Save your time...)
To: PigRigger
Just got home and missed all but the last 20 minute on the radio on the way....What was the "wood" statement in reference to?
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:21 PM PDT
(Bush Democrats = Zell's Angels)
To: ArmyBratproud
They're only doing the spinning because it's the "right thing to do" for the "public interest" since they need to "evaluate" for us what the candidates said.
To: ArmyBratproud
Hey Andrea Mitchell, you make a boat load of money. Your husband controls monitary policy in this country. We common folk care about taxes
To: hershey
The Kool-Aid sippers have shown the signs of chemical brain death: hallucinatory misperception of reality.
To: DestroytheDemocrats
I just sent off an email to Britt Hume -- we should ALL email FOX and tell them they must have been watching another debate than the rest of us..
To: Lexinom
I got it, and I guarantee you that PLAYS with African-Americans. Bush may have gotten himself another 1% of the black vote---and hey, every percent counts.
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:27 PM PDT
To: roadrunner96
POCKMARK Mitchell wrong on the debate
Chrissy Matthews wrong on the debate
Light Loafers Reagan wrong on the debate
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:27 PM PDT
(Lone conservative teacher)
To: alancarp
Bush was not on the defense, he was on the OFFENSE. Too bad these morons can't tell the difference!
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:30 PM PDT
(The simple lie always conquers the more complex truth. (propaganda))
To: onyx
andrea mitchell said she isn't sure who won
translation: bush kicked tail
To: cyncooper
And they said that since Kerry was the challenger, the tie goes to the challenger.
He just said "there were a few more Democrats home tonight when we called."
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:35 PM PDT
(What's the Font Spacing, Kenneth?)
To: Jorge
Did anyone catch when Kerry said, "OG-BYN" and when Bush got up, he corrected him by mentioning "OB-GYN".
To: Soul Seeker
Who is that blonde woman on MSNBC? Her sour expression could turn a glass of milk. blech
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:44 PM PDT
(I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. - Michelangelo)
To: Jean Chauvin
The real question is what Pat Cadell says.
That's for sure.
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:46 PM PDT
Otta B Sleepin
("Iraq isn't Vietnam, it's Guadalcanal." Powl Smith)
To: andrew1957
George Bush is my President. He's done one hell of a job.
Oops. I said 'hell'.
posted on
10/08/2004 7:53:50 PM PDT
(The two keys to character: 1) Learn how to keep a secret. 2) ...)
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