Bush cut his gap across the board. But the gap remained widest in Illinois. In NY and NJ he cut the gap to under 5. So it looks like the ignorant one is the guy who's in a rush to slander anyone that disagrees with him.
The real campaign season starts with Labor Day, any contest that isn't close (10 point margin) by October 15th is functionally over. If Keyes is laboring under the illusion that nothing much happens until late October he might as well go home to Maryland now, if he isn't scoring near 40% in the polls by Oct 15th there's nothing that can happen in late Octobedr to make his campaign look vaguely respectable.
Maybe you're over banking on the God factor. If God wanted Keyes to win I don't think Keyes would be losing 1 point a week. Could be God knows things about Alan Keyes you don't and has decided no matter who win this one it's a train wreck, so He's just sitting this one out.
A wager that Obama holds a 40% margin of victory?
Got any balls?
I did not think so.
Watch Obama fall, then you see God's hand. He looks like he is running scared to me.