I did not hear a thing that night. I could not understand why my MIL called us in such a panic...until I turned on the tv. :-(
I'ts funny what you can sleep through. My parents woke up one day to hear a radio news report about a police chase which had involved a fleeing car trying to shake the police by driving through back yards in XX subdivision. My parents said, "wow, that's our subdivision, I wonder where it happened?"
They looked outside, and found multiple tire tracks dug into their own yard, making a "U" shape right around three sides of their house. (They live on a corner near a dead-end, the perp found himself boxed in and had to use their yard to backtrack.)
There was a huge patch of bark several feet in diameter entirely missing from a big maple tree about four feet from their bedroom window, it must have made a huge noise when a car sideswiped it, not to mention the roar of engines and probably police sirens, but they slept through the whole thing.