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To: JustPiper; All

Jihadi board translations
Posted with permission from Neosgirl at Timebomb2000 forum.
Thank you Neosgirl!

8.10.04 Translations

Long yet interesting. Sounds like something was stopped, or put on hold temporarily? Does anyone else read it this way?

The ability of the rule for the absorption of the hitting ... Louis is Allah gift ..

It is a war ..
And in the war it is a must from a presence .. Dead and prisoners .. And traitors .. Then victories ..

The power or the army who do not put in its military strategy a time for the study of the way of receiving the hitting and the way of its absorption and the reduction from its influence to the less limit .. An army does not do that he does not enable it that he continues .. In the war ..

As a leader or a military plan you he deals with a group of the factors and the effects that affects walking the war ..From it your forces that enter them the battle .. You she deals with a human being .. And the human being dies and loses their effort in the war .. Or they are captivated and they become by the enemy hand, and the human being that the states of the human weakness overtakes, and the fear and the greed for the world .. And that causes the treason mostly ..

In the war state ( not parallel ) the one that the Al-Qaeda launches on America, the decisive element in the success is in the combating elements that the Al-Qaeda go through this war .. You she does not excel by the weapon then counted you that excels over you in it by what is no field for the comparison, but you excel by the men believing in the case that fights from its sake ..

When he has forces from a kind ( Mohammad Ata ) that Allah and the rest of the brigades had mercy .. , the success with Allah's support in Al Ithkhan is in the running and its causing the gravest losses, likened a content by Allah ability and its power ..

Intellectuals, very intelligent, strong, disciplined, firm .. Allah comforted their hearts by the belief and their washing by the love light, the love of an Allah and its messenger and the support of this religion ..

The result .. He happened that changes the world face after it .. Despite that their number did not exceed number ( a young man in a trip of the land ) ..

The Al-Qaeda is beyond doubt a military movement she grew up in the origin as a natural response to the nation concerns .. The Al-Qaeda is a movement it did not come from the abroad, but the nation complaints generated it in the impudent years, so that it educated this people so that they raise by the Islam that headed after by it the rulers and the intellectuals and the reformers and many of the Islamists decreased ..

This means that the Al-Qaeda will not suffer many in an attraction many of the faithfuls who carry their lives and their moneys and all what possess is on their palms so that they say to the Al-Qaeda .. We with you what want from us that we do ..

Before 11 September by a period that met a Turkish colloquial man but he is believing .. And she sat with its formed family from a wife and two girls and a child .. We spoke and he came to the talk about Osama Ben Ladin .. The news of those days were speaking about the destruction of the USS Cole .. For me that colloquial Turkish man said : I ready to he ransomed Osama Ben Ladin myself and by my family this who sees it in front of you ..

The aim from this story is that this colloquial that bears the concerns of complete family is ready for the sacrifice of that family and himself for the sake of Ben Laden .. Why ¿ because it sees in Osama Ben Ladin the hero who enables him by the doing, the release of the Muslims nation from the injustice ..Then so what do you think of by many of the Muslim young man who does not carry such concerns that resort by the human to the land ¿ quantity of the Islam young man carries the self feeling, and wishes if that there are camps to the Al-Qaeda now so that they are trained in it ¿ and are soldiers from the Islam rule soldiers ¿

If I was the reader brother from the ones who the belief light lit your heart and Allah protected you from the madness of the hypocrisy then no doubt I a moment that you today from the severer of the people a readiness for carrying weapon and fight beside the Al-Qaeda Network ..

If we get out of this all by an important result to the purpose and she is that the Al-Qaeda Network is a psychological and social movement before it is military and she is the true passage about the nation concerns .. And this movement did not make on the West eye, but it was made on Allah the Exalted the Majestic eye .. And she got out of the original nation womb .. From the two Holy Mosques countries and Egypt Yemen and Iraq, and Al-Sham, the honour springs and the Arab dignity .. The self land that yielded the Companions so that they form the world gentlemen in a short period goes once again a plain it renewed to the world .. They waited for them then squeezed them he has been about to the start .. And therefore we repeat a second not to fearing for them God willing and Allah who protected them from this ferocious dragon is America and laugh the world is on that dragon in Tora Bora and Anaconda and a memorization it led them from the eradication that it will support and elevates their affair soon God willing . And yesterday New York Times recognized the presence of shadow organization to the Al-Qaeda, activists on an average level, and they not watched .. And they can represent a big danger to America .. These are the rule periods .. And hopefully you heard about the organization that named himself in Yemen ( the sympathizers with the Al-Qaeda ) ...

But not every days the Al-Qaeda beautiful .. The Al-Qaeda has passed by ordeals and hitting pulled its lute very .. And she made it a more solid than before .. And the hitting that does not break the back strengthens it ..

Difficult days passed on the base, but for he kept Allah for this gang and that it glory be to it makes them on eye to what remained for them an existing .. Starting from the internal treasons from some the nearest intimates .. And a reaching of the complete war that directs to them these days ..

One of the intimates to Ben Laden .. From its brother-in-law .. And is knowing many about Ben Laden and what plans for Ben Laden .. The case sold years ago .. And the revelation of the sheikh enemies of each thing approximately .. Then what was the result ? Abu Abd Allah exceeded it ÈÝÖá Allah .. And the matters passed over a good ..

And its khan also a person it was a pilot with the sheikh, then it sold the case .. And by me Ay . Thm co-operated with Al If another person was a financial official to the sheikh also .. And a responsible about some sheikh companies in Sudan .. The case sold also and a cooperation with Fbi then what was the result ? no thing Tgaoha Abu Abd Allah ÈÝÖá Allah and the matters passed over a good ..

And I have read in the Al-Hayat newspaper before the period of that pilot story in America and he adapted that he became neglected from thousands by me verses and the look of the others to him became with the treason an accompanying to all from he knew it .. They against a Muslim testified for an unbelieving enemy in the world .. And she will write their certificate and ask ..

After the explosion of Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam, he carried out the arrest on ( Wadi the hajji ) the one that it is said he is the personal secretary to Ubay Abd Allah .. What was the result ? no thing that Abu Abd Allah exceeded ÈÝÖá Allah and the matters passed over a good .. And the Al-Qaeda executed what is he severer than Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam ..

From the comics that remember it that it after carrying out the arrest of Wadi the hajji and the start of his trial in America with three of the Al-Qaeda men .. We sat in a council with a group of the publics and it was with us a very loving person of the base and defends them fiercely, then came to the trial biography in America of Wadi the hajji and Alouhli and Khlfan the Tanzanian, and one of the existent were mocking the Al-Qaeda and Ben Laden and was saying .. Today they sue Ben Laden 's sons and tomorrow he will see Ben Laden himself behind bars in America .. He was ill and a psychological defeated then that man got angry and said for it .. You she does not know a thing .. Ben Laden sent a threatening message to the Americans and said for them you if you did not launch a release the four and judged on them by the execution ( as was frequenting the newspapers those days ), I will kill thousand Americans the return of each man from my men .. After the end of the council .. She held that young man and I said for him .. From where did I bring this news ? .. He said from a stable .. A vexation was crumbled by the patient they shook you .. After two months or three .. The Al-Qaeda killed doing four thousands Americans !!! She was less therefore the young man when a second met him .. Allah glory be to you denied in the support of the Al-Qaeda then Allah believed you ..

Ramzi Yousef .. A so-and-so and a so-and-so ..

Abu Ubaid Albnshri 's drowning .. The one that was the military commander to the Al-Qaeda Network before Ubay Hfs .. He did not undermine the Al-Qaeda Network upper arm .. That man was a danger very to the Americans .. Allah had mercy on it .. He drowned in Lake Victoria .. In Africa ..

Abu Hfs Almsri 's killing ..

It is battalions that follow my battalions and black that leave lions .. Therefore they do not be affected never and this a strange thing a doing .. The Al-Qaeda is a non human thing .. She is formed strangely .. When a leader dies or he is captivated that a last leader succeeds immediately .. And no as if a thing happened .. Until you are so that she thinks that the rule is an expression about a group of the leaders .. And in them soldiers are not at all .. All are leaders and each individual in them an expression about an army altogether .. They granted respite to Labdallh Almhagr .. Khosia Badila .. If he was correct what the Americans say about it .. Then this man is not a joy but he is actually an Islamic destroyer or a nuclear submarine .. !!

The thing that does not can its understanding for the Al-Qaeda, he how that it depends by basis form on the human abilities and at the same time when that manpower disappears with the killing or the capture or the treason that do not be affected and does not become weak, but bears the hitting with high flexibility to the extreme ..There is a secret in the issue explaining to him each believer by Allah and its messenger and understands its saying that rose ( we are for the support our messengers and who believed in this life and a day stands the witnessing )

Therefore the studies center laughs at the Americans when is saying .. We held Abu Zubeida .. Allah perfumed that guides you .. Abu Zubeida exemplified to them a complete play from the fear since carrying out the arrest of him .. Palmyra procrastinated the Al-Qaeda the Statue of Liberty .. Quickly O Rumsfeld directed the aircraft carrier to the protection of the Statue of Liberty !! .. The Al-Qaeda will hit the so-and-so place .. He was held O Rumsfeld is a life I protect the place him ..

A game does not end .. And the result .. A fear and a permanent American worry .. Until Bush represented the lying patron who warns every time .. The wolf the wolf ... Then he hurries Rumsfeld searching for the wolf ..

But in the coming time in which the wolf will come a doing Rumsfeld will not move as he happened in 11 September .. And Bush will smuggle as he was coward in 11 September ..

I will not extend .. What she meant is that what you read and what you hear about the arrest of group Morocco or the arrest is on Abdullah Al Muhajir .. Or the arrest is on the so-and-so group .. Or what the American media says ... We thwarted tens of attempts from the Al-Qaeda ..

Nonsense this all is a whole ..

And he mainly serves the Al-Qaeda largely very, because it keeps the force of the battle tense a high and the souls to the utmost limit .. And he deprives the American economy of the getting out of the crisis of the confidence that devastates it ..

And the truth is that the Al-Qaeda also fabricates some of the matters the Lchit of the American mind ..

Totally as they did before 11 September, when they practiced deception operation and a deception a very wide and spread the news by their special way so that it expects the Americans near the presence of a hitting somewhere from the Middle East specially, then not it signed the hitting that came to a sudden as the thunderbolt .. He recognized this one of CIA leaders when they said .. We have been exposed to deception operation and a deception a wide from the Al-Qaeda in different areas from the world for the direction of our thought to the protection of our interests in the abroad, then the hitting came a sudden in the inside ..

By this style the rule makes .. And therefore I say .. All what you read about Morocco operation .. And about carrying out the arrest of a group of the Al-Qaeda there, in its triumphant .. Or nonsense Moroccan for the gain of the American sympathy for the solution of Western Desert case .. Or that it is a basic operation intended by it mainly the occupation of the Americans from the more important and more dangerous hitting .. And if that operation failed Alchtiteh, it has realized beyond doubt the minimum limit from the goals, and he is keeping the war manner a high and staying the Americans in the cannons state always, and the confirmation that the rule will succeed in the coming time .. Totally like 11 September .. You do not forget that the trade center was a target of Ben Laden three times approximately, their first at the hand of Ramzi Yousef, then the third attempt in 11 September succeeded .. If he failed an operation he means only the planning again for the execution of a new operation ..

This is the rule and she faces now big ãÕÇÚÈ but Abu Abd will exceed it God willing .. And the matters reach a wealth ..

110 posted on 08/10/2004 10:21:59 AM PDT by Velveeta
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To: Velveeta
"Khosia Badila .. If he was correct what the Americans say about it .. Then this man is not a joy but he is actually an Islamic destroyer or a nuclear submarine .. !!

Could this be translated as Jose Padilla? And the article later states OBL will continue at the original objective until the goal is reached.

nuclear submarine=dirty bomber?
122 posted on 08/10/2004 11:47:45 AM PDT by Right_Handed_Writer (Once you take away what is right...What's LEFT?)
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To: Velveeta; nwctwx; All

Permission is good ;)

Louis is the gift? St. Louis?

So this is the newly comprised Mohammad Ata Brigade?

Someone needs to inform these nincompoopers that this Allah trip is BS! There are no virgins waiting, they will not accomplish what they want, we will not go down and become subserviant to them and buckle!

I heard that author of Osama' Revenge, Paul Williams, for 1 min today, for some odd reason he was so daffy they cut him off the FNC this am...he's an odd bird, but he only talked about the 20 nukes placed here. How they were in bed with Russkies, cut the deal, shipped it all here in pieces and then assembled them, and then boom they cut him off! Has anyone ever seen or heard this joker? He's rant was familiar and didn't seem real.

{ The case sold years ago }
Well, makes little sense to me first he embarrases Russia {UBL} then cuts a deal for their nukes? No doubt!

Two worrisome commecnts:

{ Abu Zubeida .. Allah perfumed that guides you }

{ If he failed an operation he means only the planning again for the execution of a new operation .. }

For sure they are not giving up, failures or not!

388 posted on 08/10/2004 9:10:43 PM PDT by JustPiper (Obama- No More Free Ride to the Illinois Senate !!!)
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