Democrats have controlled almost all of the large cities where large black populations have been trapped by liberal policies...can you convince them it's about time to give some thought to trying something else?? Is it just that the word "Republican" has been so demonized that they can't imagine being affiliated with "it"?
Hang in there.
IMO the ONLY way Keyes gets close is to run HARD to those moral issues that the Black church agrees with the GOP position on. I still think it would be the greatest miracle of our generation if he won, but if he's gonna ramp up that 9% of the black vote to 18-20% he HAS to get some of the Black Christians who are badly disturbed about Gay marriage (and there are quite a few down here in the south who are incensed they are trying to coat-tail on the civil rights movement) and use that issue to remind them about school choice and abortion and all the rest.
I think that this is doable. I'm not convinced it'll be enough to actually win, but if he ignores the secular Black and runs to the religious Black I think he can double the usual slice of black vote accorded to Republicans.
It'd help to recruit people like Star Parker and Reggie White to do some stumping on his behalf as well.
Well, yes, I do think it's possible to cut into the black vote. But that will take more than convincing blacks that they are really conservatives. It will take MAKING them conservative. Sure, most don't believe in gay marriage or abortion. But blacks also tend to believe there are bigger fish to fry -- issues of war and peace, income redistribution, government-provided health care, etc. The key is not to say "You're conservative, vote for Republicans." Rather, it's to convince blacks that liberal policies are doomed to fail, and indeed have already failed.