In 1978, William LeMessurier discovered that the buildings bolted joints were too weak to resist the wind loads in New York. A construction group was hired to try and repair the fragile structure over the next three months. The document showing the skyscraper's mistakes was called "Project SERENE" and stands for "Special Engineering Review of Events Nobody Envisioned". This mistake was hidden from public eyes for nearly 20 years.
They may be taking a chance that an explosion will pop the repair welds and take the building down
Hmmm ... information any terrorist could easily glean from the Internet. :-)
What an amazing ctach MM!
Boy you are a welcome addition to TM!
And anyone who has a newsey handle is on my good list -g-
"Project SERENE" sounds like a good name too!
Yes, a Ryder truck can fit right up against those columns