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Locked on 08/02/2004 5:38:02 PM PDT by Admin Moderator, reason:
Thread Sixteen: |
Posted on 07/24/2004 9:37:20 PM PDT by JustPiper
Edited on 07/25/2004 2:39:52 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
![]() Credit: The Cabal The title refers to a daily report given to the president of the United States detailing the most serious terrorist threats against the country. To tackle those threats, the government has formed a top-notch task force to infiltrate the terror cells and cut off the danger. "Every morning, the president receives a list of the top ten terrorist threats - this list is known as the threat matrix." We here at FR are trying to be in conjunction with the daily reports around the world that involve threats. We try to provide a storehouse of information that takes hours of research. YOU be the Judge and get informed. "I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat." |
Group linked to al Qaeda warns of 'columns of car bombs' Australia and Italy have received warnings through a statement purportedly from militants linked to al Qaeda that demanded those countries withdraw troops from Iraq. |
![]() We are the "Stotters" who make ourselves aware of the enemy who wishes to do us harm. ![]() Meet It! Greet It! Defeat It! ![]() |
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Well, I guess that explains Peoria, then...I didn't know that. I'll tell Hub, he has friends there.
This wasn't anywhere in the vicinity of the large wave activity reported several days ago was it?
I'm not sure... I don't think this type of 'device' would create a large wave if detonated deep enough though.
Thanks. I remember seeing a headine about it on Drudge but I didn't know where it occurred.
oh yeah, I also posted one here the other day about dead whales floating to shore. I'll see if I can find it.
RE POst No. 729. What's with the antisemetic garbage at the end the link to the NEIN Story regarding the alleged nuke?
I keep saying that also. If I see ketchup-kerry's mug one more time...or any dim's mug for that matter (except for former NYC Mayor Ed Koch who has seen the light and that southern Senator who gets it now too). As for all the others: ARGHH! GROWL! My tv is OFF.
Looks like it was added to the story by the webmaster of the hosting site.
place bump
OS/2 was the bees knees, baby. Wildcat BBS on OS/2 rocked the house.
Only 3 more days now...The first day is almost over. Thank God!
Is there anyway we can get rid of the anti-semetic comments and links without involving the Moderator? Perhaps Knak can insert a disclaimer so that no one thinks the comments originated here? BTW, you know how I feel about the originators of the nuke report, and now that I've read the actual report, my position remains the same.
I vote for nwctwx's idea. Why should we reinvent the wheel; we know what happens when that is tried. Keep TM at FR for as long as the Robinson's will have us and let thecabal's alt site be the off-site. thecabal, WestCoastGal and a few other TMers have already invested much time over there.
Can you handle vids, audio clips, etc., the cabal?
I didn't get all the way to bottom. Was it bad? I'll check it later.
Boy, posting is fast today
Many threads ago I evaluated an alleged BIG earthquake off the coast of Florida that was supposed to be the result of some secret navy weapons (tinfoil time). The people who made the allegations did so on preliminary data and failed to put the whole thing into its proper perspective. Although I am not specialized in seismology, as a geologist I am familiar with what is being seen and reported. Therefore, to save tinfoil for leftovers in the fridge, here is what I was able to quickly uncover.
The suspected event occurred on July 15, 2004. The referenced seismograph recording is a station located in Palisades N.Y. (station id PAL), and is part of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Network. LDEO, it is part of a seismic network under the control/supervision of Columbia U. They seem to have a focus on researching earthquake activities in the fingerlake area of NY state. The same event was also detected on station NCB (Newcomb, NY). PAL recorded first waves at approximately 12:26 GMT, NCB at approximately 12:25 GMT. The event at both stations resulted in movement over 5 minutes in duration. Both events appear to be relatively small, especially based upon NCB data.
NOTE: the seismographic data are RAW and unevaluated and only seismologists (or the serious earthquake buff) can provide a more detailed analysis. Therefore I reviewed other EVALUATED data for the same date and time frame because I don't have the specifics for each station necessary for more detailed evaluation. EVALUATED data is based upon review by seismologists in comparison to events reported by other station nationally and worldwide.
I found that on July 15th at 12:05 GMT a 5.9 magnitude quake occurred west of Vancouver Island, British Colombia. This is approximately 20 minutes before the time the PAL and NCB events were recorded. Based upon the time relation to the Vancouver Isl event, I suspect that PAL and NCB recorded the Vancouver event. Why do I make that linkage, did I hear you ask. Primarily since it takes TIME for the seismic waves to travel through the earth from the point of the earthquake to the seismographs, just like it takes sound time to travel through the air. 20 minutes for S wave arrival would be very close to being correct given the distance between NY and Vancouver Island. Secondly, the duration of the event and the well defined S (surface) and P (compressional) wave arrivals, especially at PAL, would rule out an explosive event in the ocean. This is because the water would attenuate (weaken) the shock wave by the time it reached the ocean bottom and secondly, the S wave forms produced would not be as well defined. Finally, an explosion event is too short of duration to generate 5+ minutes of earth movement.
This also doesnt rule out the recording of a smaller (less than 1.0) regional quake. Small quakes are often not plotted or reported.
My conclusions:
1. The writer (non-TM) of the original post had no clue what he/she was looking at other than a seismograph located in the eastern U.S. recorded a seismic event of some kind. There is no SCIENTIFIC way that based upon ONE seismograph could pinpoint an event as they had described.
2. Evaluation of the timing and arrival of the waves are typical of an earthquake-induced event, not a short-term explosive event, even a nuclear one.
3. This evidence does not provide proof of a nuclear explosion in the ocean off Boston. The most likely scenario is that the seismograph stations recorded seismic waves originating from the Vancouver Island event.
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