I apologize for not posting the FR Rules, as I meant to with the beginning of each new TM thread, so better late than not at all:
Free Republic expects users to follow a few simple posting guidelines (described below) and by posting to the forum you and others agree to abide by them. While Free Republic is not edited or censored, it does reserve the right to remove any postings that are considered inappropriate.
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Do preview - Preview twice, post once. And, ahem, close your HTML tags before you hit the reply button. (More on that below.)
{{{Do keep it clean - A bruise or two between Freepers is tolerable, but refrain from abusive attacks, engaging in senseless flame wars, and using profane language. }}}
Considering the range of topics we discuss, it's hard to be a family site, but that's what we aim for when at all possible.
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Don't jump threads - If you get involved in an argument in one thread, it's considered poor manners to restart the previous argument in the middle of an unrelated thread.
Don't spam - Post your message once. If you are not sure if it has posted, check the latest posts page.
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Don't be a whiner - If you really, really find Free Republic not to your liking, let the webmaster know directly (jimrob@psnw.com), learn to live with it, or move along.