Kerry scares me. The guy isn't wired up properly. If I think too much about a Kerry Presidency, I'm afraid I'll break out in a cold sweat and my blood pressure, which is low, will spike.
Exactly the same here.
My blood pressure is on the low side of "normal" and thinking of that horrible scenario gives me one of those "pointy" behind-the-eye headaches.
I bet you know what I mean....;)
The man is, pure and simple, pathological.
Of all the raving Dems I've heard, he's the worst at expecting me to swallow his bald-faced lies, wholesale.
I listen to him and I swear I've fallen into either a brainwashing cult or an alternate universe.
President Bush made some VERY
STRONG statements about the War
on Terror, Iraq, Iraq sovereignty
& the American sacrifice to free
Europe in WWII. He took every
advantage of being on TV in Europe
especially, I think. He repeatedly
drew contrasts between freedom &
totalitarianism. Noted Europeans
had rights to protest against him,
unlike in Iraq under Saddam, and
tied it all into fighting Nazism
& Communism for years in Europe.
Brava! Mr. President.