It is MORE THAN OK!!! Several Viet Nam vets even came and shook his hand. After the service was over we hung around because I wanted to get a good picture of the Navy memorial thingy (I can't think of a good word) to post for someone who's Dad was at Adak during the war. Anyway, while we waited for ALL THE MOTORCYCLES to leave the parking lots (a last years picture is below), the blackhawk loaded up its dignitaries and prepared to leave. Everybody was already back from it, but they backed us all up further. The rotors started and it lifted up, moved forward and VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! It was gone in a flash! WOW!! But then we could see it circle and IT BUZZED THE PARKING LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We tried for a picture, but...we'll see tomorrow. IT WAS AWESOME!!!