An therein lies the true test of the theory....
WILL the Iraqi police/military fight to the death --- the militant Islamists -- or will they see Islam as their common link to the Islamists, and a stronger link than to the new Iraqi "democracy"??
At present, there is more evidence that the New Iraqi "Police/Miliary", will shrink from the task......without MASSIVE support from Coalition forces..
Semper Fi
THAT is the $64,000 question. We may be able to exercise a certain level of control over Falluja by bullying the Iraqi gendarmes into doing our bidding. That may be sufficient for the task at hand, which is < cue the chorus > putting an "Iraqi Face" on the problem until real power transfer takes place.
Anyone who thinks Muslims won't kill Muslims for any reason, thinks that Saddam attacking Kuwait was just a desert mirage.
Human life is cheap in the Muslim world. For much of the last 1200 years the cheapest of all lives is a fellow Muslim's life.
For a Clue visit one of the mass graves where Saddam killed tens of thousands of Muslims. Saddam ordered Muslims to kill Muslims and they did it gladly.