Check out the two names above. Milbank, on MSNBC this morning, ran with the "Why is GWB meeting the 9/11 commission with Cheney" talking point...refusing to ask why President Clinton met the 9/11 commission with Sandy order to give the false appearance that it was somehow unusual for President Bush to meet with the 9/11 commission with allies in tow.
Gregory, back when President Bush transited through France on his way to sign the LARGEST NUCLEAR REDUCTION TREATY IN WORLD HISTORY, failed to ask either Chirac or President Bush why the French *anti-nuclear* protestors were out protesting GWB in France. Instead, he spoke in French first, then switched to English to ask why the French hated GWB.
Anti-nuclear protesters...protesting the signing of the largest nuclear reduction in world history...and the reporters on the scene couldn't even comprehend the magnitude of the story that they missed.