I hope this is taken very seriously. I have a feeling it will be.
These people are trying to capitalize on the "blood" of our troops. This is the most sickening thing I've ever witnessed. But like someone else in this thread said, it shouldn't surprize anyone that someone associated with KERRY would spit on troops serving this country! Not if it will further KERRY'S political career! He did it before.
Those who have been LISTENING to our Government know (knew) that insurgents would be picking up their attacks as the June 30th deadline neared. We had the memo from the captured "messenger" (whose name escapes me at the moment) that forewarned of it. It said if they could't stop the turnover, they will have lost! *NEWS FLASH* You've lost!
Our Government already knows there are people from Syria and Iran involved in the latest uprising in Fallujah! Was ANYONE LISTENING to Paul Bremer on Sunday 4-11-04? There are countries bordering Iraq that DO NOT want Iraq to be a Democracy!
On Bill O'Rielly last night they discussed how News Organizations made this latest uprising look like it was a MAJOR UPRISING when it wasn't! (I know, sometimes he gets on our nerves too, but he has great guests and sometimes he has valid points).
MY POINT IS: The people who placed this add and who are supporting Kerry are treading on the blood of our troops for political gain. So is the MEDIA! It is disgusting. But OUR problem is we need to realize that their message is working! When I talk to people who are WORKING FULL TIME OUTSIDE OF THE HOME, they are relying on the nightly news for thier information. They REPEAT what they hear or read on the news.
So you better start TALKING BIG TIME to your neighbors and friends!