To: Sprite518
What country plays by the rules besides the USA? You see these laws are only designed to punish us, and perhaps some of our Allies. My post pointed out that prisoners are needed to obtain intelligence information and that unlawful combatants can be executed undet the Laws of War.
Do you object to intelligence gathering or to the execution unlawful combatants?
To: Polybius
I do not object to intelligence gathering. However, I do take issue with the execution unlawful combatants.
Who is to say who is what on a battlefield? Oh yeah I forgot the bad guys! LOL!
Our troops should avoid non combatants as much as possible, but they should not have the fear of shooting the killing the wrong person on the battlefield.
You see when you have these rules, then the bad guys take advantage of it. For instance, in Vietnam there were plenty of women and children armed little hidden bombs and guns to kill our troops. Heck we have seen it in Somalia more recently and Israel last week. There is no way for our troops to tell who is lawful, and who is not until its too late. I believe our troop safety is a combat zone is paramount to any bogus rules of war. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson