Public HearingSeptember 11 CommissionNational Cmsn. on Terrorist Attacks
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
ID: 181098 - 03/24/2004 - 9:00 - No Sale
Berger, Samuel "Sandy", Adviser (Fmr.), White House, National Security Council
Tenet, George, Director, Central Intelligence Agency
Clarke, Richard, Coordinator, National Security Council, Infrastructure Protection & Counterterrorism
Armitage, Richard, Deputy Secretary, Department of State
Tenet again making the point that the war will go on for many years. Says we need stamina.
Question: How did you communicate intelligence with President Clinton? (That's a good question.) Tenet answering delicately. Mostly he met with Sandy Berger, it sounds like to me.
Commission members were all over TV last night. I heard them say that they had known Clarke for years and that he was very creditable. I hope that perception will be shattered today. We'll see.