Tonk, and all Viet Nam veterans, need to hear that they are and always have been appreciated, honored, and loved by those of us who were rendered "the silent majority" by a news media bent on denying us a voice, and providing one for traitors to everything our soldiers were fighting and dying to defend. They would do it now if they could, and they are certainly trying. Many wounds are being reopened by the events of the day, among veterans and civilians alike from that era, and perhaps it is God's way of providing healing for all of us who now have an opportunity to make our voices heard here on the Internet, on Rush's program, and other similar outlets that were unavailable then...and by the opportunity to defeat J.F. Kerry, who is a symbol of what the left stood for then, and stands for now. God bless our veterans, and those who remain in harm's way today. God bless all Americans to see through the deception and the deceivers, and to soundly defeat them in November.
Thank you for your service, Tonk. Here is a (((((welcome home))))) that I wish I could have given back then. God bless you and all of our Vietnam vets. You were and are the heroes of my heart.