Typical liberal biased media "have you stopped beating your wife?" type of question.
Of course things are worse - freedom-loving people are at war with terrorism - you stupid jackasses !!!
Do this mean the war isn't being won or that the free world doesn't have the best leader possible? NO, NO, NO !!!
God Bless America and President Bush!
Red defeatists asked the same question in WW2 - right up until the western world got into bed with Joe Stalin!
With Saddam out of business, Afghanistan ALMOST rid of the Taliban and Usama, North Korea exposed, Libya coming to the table, Iran on the verge of a revolution favoring the people, the war on terrorism as a real defense "of the world", you're damn right we're better off.
Is it costly? Yes, but not more costly than Clinton's plan of leaving Usama to fight another day, that day being 9-11.