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To: Hat-Trick
As much as I despise the AWB and those who vote for it, I've often thought about where I would draw that 'line in the sand'.

As far as voting goes, passage of the AWB may just cross my line. But the real 'line in the sand' is, when do we stop trying to work within the system? When do we just stop participating in this charade and make a stand?

For me, that would be when ANYONE comes to my door telling me that I must turn in ANY gun that I own, guns that I bought legally and own legally. I am not going to speculate on the outcome of that one, but the line will have been crossed. Someone will back down or be carried off that day.

621 posted on 03/02/2004 1:46:59 PM PST by Sender ("This is the most important election in the history of the world." -DU)
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To: Sender
that would be when ANYONE comes to my door telling me that I must turn in ANY gun that I own

It won't happen that way.
They'll "detain" you on some unrelated traffic violation or somesuch while their thugs search your house and remove the "offending items."

Leftist tyrants are cowards. They will not face those from whom they are taking rights and property.

634 posted on 03/02/2004 1:55:36 PM PST by MrB
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