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Kerry's Anti-War Record Discussed at White House Briefing
| Jeff Gannon
Posted on 02/10/2004 2:56:29 PM PST by Jeff Gannon
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To: Jeff Gannon
Kudos, sir.
To: Don'tMessWithTexas
I agree. Have you noticed that not a single news source will even touch it? That alone shows how much they fear it. This is going to backfire on the Democrats huge.
Let's have 6 months of looking back to what John Kerry was doing after he was discharged from the military.
Bring it on!
posted on
02/10/2004 3:14:45 PM PST
Jeff Gannon
(Listen to my radio show "Jeff Gannon's Washington" on
To: Jeff Gannon
Thank YOU, Mr. Gannon!
To: Jeff Gannon
Nice work. Do you think you might work Ramsey Clark's name into a press briefing or two? RC did work with VVAW, you know. I think the White House could do worse than to make RC an issue and make Kerry denounce him.
Comment #45 Removed by Moderator
To: Jeff Gannon
Thank you sir!! I salute you! The presser was an astounding spectacle to behold.
The White House response is why I have to phrase my questions as I do.
So, what's UP with the White House response?? LOTS of people would like to know...
posted on
02/10/2004 3:16:03 PM PST
(WMD's in Iraq -- The absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.)
To: Jeff Gannon
I was going to ask you if ole Helen peed her pantds, but depends keep that little item secret.
posted on
02/10/2004 3:16:31 PM PST
To: Jeff Gannon
I thought this was a joke also till I read the comments. Way to GO!!! Thanks for standing up and asking the questions that a lot of us want to and dont have the chance..:)
To: Jeff Gannon
Way to go!
I had turned the briefing off in disgust, so I missed your question.
posted on
02/10/2004 3:16:50 PM PST
(Free The Judiciary Committee Memos!)
To: Jeff Gannon
Go Jeff!!!! I heard you on Hannity today. Good job!
I'll get those photos to you soon, I promise....
posted on
02/10/2004 3:17:52 PM PST
(FREE THE MIRANDA MEMOS! < go there or be square!)
To: kevkrom
Great Point!
posted on
02/10/2004 3:17:54 PM PST
Camel Joe
(Proud Uncle of a Fine Young Marine)
To: Jeff Gannon
Thank you!!!!
There are Freepers today who have said they want to buy you dinner. Women want to buy you flowers. Wonderful job today. Kudos.
posted on
02/10/2004 3:18:01 PM PST
(The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
To: Jeff Gannon
posted on
02/10/2004 3:18:14 PM PST
(click my name to check out my 'toons!)
To: kevkrom
The Kerry people are nervous. They want to innoculate Kerry against his VVAW days well before the general election. That's why they are trying to draw the POTUS into this scuffle. If the WH gets into it, the issue will play out. IF the WH lays off, they can hit him hard later. The problem for the Kerry people is that they overplayed their hand. They forgot that there is a new source for information that's not the mainstream media.
To: prairiebreeze
I would think that the WH would want to stay "above the fray" so to speak as a previous poster mentioned. Its all part of the strategery that we have been hearing about.
I am looking forward to this election season. After months of throwing dirt at the president, he has pulled even in polls with Kerry and this is after day after day of accusations and innunednos and he has not even started campaigning. Its going to be a fun time.
To: Jeff Gannon
posted on
02/10/2004 3:18:46 PM PST
Seeking the truth
(McDonald Clan - Hired Mercenary - Have Bullhorn - Will Shout for Brew!)
To: prairiebreeze
Prairie .....Jeff is right isn't the White Houses job to go after is the President's supporters job to go after these issues with Kerry.
posted on
02/10/2004 3:19:04 PM PST
To: All
posted on
02/10/2004 3:19:19 PM PST
To: Jeff Gannon
I'm sorry, but what is Talon News, and where do I buy it?
To: futureceo31
Yes, I read that too after I posted. Hope my blood pressure can hold out for a while longer...LOL!!
posted on
02/10/2004 3:19:45 PM PST
(WMD's in Iraq -- The absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.)
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