we NEEDED those laws in the 50s and 60s when there was very institutionalised discrimination. Now, well, maybe not in most places but there are still some places which discriminate.
Blacks had opportunities to go to college long before the civil rights laws were passed. Yes, there are places that still discriminate. For example the University of Michigan, the Federal government and a zillion other places that give preference to women and minorities. The civil rights act of 1964 forbids maintaining records or inquiring of race. Too bad they don't enforce it.
No, it was sufficient to strike down laws that discriminate. But why replace laws that discriminate with more laws that discriminate? We don't need laws and court judgments that demand discrimination. Hopefully the tide is turning on affirmative action but that could change. Let Thomas Sowell explain how cruel affirmative action is.
We should be allowed to have Jewish schools or Christian schools or all-black schools or all-white schools if people want. And, no, the government shouldn't give them money (I don't think we need government support of schools at all).
If a little old lady in Chicago wants to advertise in the paper for a white, live-in, Christian handyman, she should be allowed to do that without getting clobbered by the city civil rights goons.