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To: ExSoldier
I'll tell you, I have never heard any weapon so LOUD as a .357 sig!

Try sitting inside an M48 tank when the main gun is fired. Inside a hollow steel turret, that sound inside doesn't have anywhere to go, and just sort of bounces off the interior walls until it finally dissapates. But you WILL know when a main gun round is lighted off....


160 posted on 01/28/2004 1:04:16 AM PST by archy (Angiloj! Mia kusenveturilo estas plena da angiloj!)
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To: archy
Okay, let me clarify, I have not heard any HANDGUN as loud as the .357 sig! I myself have fired several dozen live 105mm APFSDS rounds from the original M1 Abrahms tank I trained on for my transition from infantry to armor branch back in the early 1990's. I felt like I'd been struck in the side of the head with a baseball bat and it was the second best sensation I've ever felt in my life.


Target, cease fire.

192 posted on 01/28/2004 12:35:47 PM PST by ExSoldier (When the going gets tough, the tough go cyclic.)
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To: archy
Try sitting inside an M48 tank when the main gun is fired...

Back in the 'dark ages' (when I was in high school ;>), I had a history instructor who had been an Army officer, serving with an armored division during a 'Berlin crisis' (he was also a Viet Nam combat vet). He told me that they had faced Soviet armor across the border - with only HE ammunition available in the American M48s. No AP, just high explosive. The Soviets presumably had issued AP to their armor units... but nevertheless backed down. Which just goes to show, those American tankers may have had inadequate ammo, but they had 'balls of steel.'

(Oh, the reason for this post: the gentleman in question was still in the reserve, and mentioned that he had experienced "hearing loss" from the 90mm gun in his M48... ;>)

(A good man - and one reason I took an interest in history...;>)

213 posted on 01/28/2004 6:04:20 PM PST by Who is John Galt? ("He therefore who may resist, must be allowed to strike." - John Locke, 1690)
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