Fitz: "This is what it seems to be about --- and ending of the USA and the Constitution and a creation of something else. It isn't about votes --- that makes no sense at all because it isn't Republicans moving in. We're not considering sending the Mexican government all that money from Social Security for votes."
Yes isn't that what the "new world order" is all about? I saw an article that I believe was posted by Willie Green about the continuing effort to merge the western hemisphere into one economy which went into some detail about the effort which has been going on for many years. I did a search but couldn't find it. They already have started down that road with nafta. Remember how nafta was supposed to be some great thing for us? As you have pointed out before Fitz, nafta is one of the motivations for this huge illegal influx. Imagine how many more will come from south america once we have a hemispheric version of nafta in place.
Ewwwwwww. I post a LOT of those...
So I don't know which one you're referring to.
But here's a suggestion: Instead of searching for a word in the title of the article, change the selection of the search box on the latest posts page to "by Keyword". Then use a keyword like "NAFTA" or "CAFTA" or "FTAA" --- something like that. It should pull up a list of posted articles that deal with those issues.
Hope that helps. Good luck!