My father made that mistake of being more in love with his money than his kids. He was a bitter old man when he died. He spent so much time complaining about having to pay child support instead of investing in his children with his time and love that when he was old there was just broken relationships. I do have to say he finally got it about two months before he died. However, he did not get to take his most precious possession with him, it ended going to his kids in the long run.
We would have rather had the relationship instead though.
And I wouldn't dream of suggesting it be any other way. And true, some people do put money before relationships, and they are poorer for it.
But the point remains, when the laws support fraud, when they allow one gender an unfair legal advantage over the other; there will be repercussions. The repercussions may be that men simply will refuse to marry, they may be that men will flock to see their Urologists for a vasectomy, or the repercussons may be something as minor as a husband watching his wife take the pill every morning as he is brushing his teeth.
The personal decisions your family members make, are theirs and theirs alone. However, you have yet to even acknowledge that the laws are biased. That has been my point throughout. Men are treated like chattel, liens can and have been placed upon their future earnings; based on a failed relationship. The reverse is seldom if ever true. The result, is as the article pointed out ... fewer men are getting married. It boils down to a list of pro's and con's. The con's list dominates, and not by a small margin.